1, string
A=' This is the string' print aa='' This is the string' print aa='' This is the string, this is the string''' Print a.
boolean type
Often used for circular judgment.
A=int(80.974 1) prints a.
floating-point number
A= float(80.974) print a.
Conversion of character types
int(x print L 1 L2 =[' ABC ']print L2 L3 =[" a "," b "," c "]print L3L = list(" Python ")print L[0]print L[3]print L[- 1]
Python tuples are similar to lists, except that the elements of tuples cannot be modified; Use parentheses () for tuples and [] for lists; Tuple creation is simple, just add elements in brackets and separate them with commas (,), for example:
Tup 1 = ('physics',' chemistry',1997,2000);
tup2 = ( 1,2,3,4,5);
tup3 = "a "," b "," c "," d ";
Dictionary is the most flexible built-in data structure type in python except list. A list is an ordered combination of objects, while a dictionary is an unordered collection of objects. The difference between the two is that the elements in the dictionary are accessed by keys, not by offsets.
A dictionary consists of keys and corresponding values. Dictionaries are also called associative arrays or hash tables. The basic syntax is as follows:
Dict = {'Alice':' 234 1',' Beth':' 9 102',' Cecil':' 3258'};
Time date
Import time, date and time. Local time = time. Local time (time. time ()) Today = datetime. date. Today () Print "Local current time:", today.