1. A fish-sinking woman cheated the king of Wu with malicious intent, and achieved the great cause of Gou Jian, the king of Yue. Among the four beauties in China, she is the first. It turned out to be a woman who washed gauze in the west and was the first lover of Dr. Yue at that time. Her beauty is not only amazing, but also makes the fish in the water forget to swing and sink directly to the bottom. This is also the origin of Shen Yu's name, but it is for the sake of Gou Jian, the king of Yue. Xi Shi accepted the request and became Fu Cha's favorite concubine, but she never had any feelings for Fu Cha, because she knew what she wanted and whose hands these were, so although Fu Cha was obedient to her, she never had a crush. Finally, she completed her mission and traveled around the world. If she is not cruel, she will be buried with Fu Cha, the prince of Wu.
Second, the story of Diusim, who was shut to the moon, set off the relationship between Lu Bu and Dong Zhuo and gained his own freedom. The story of diusim in the Three Kingdoms period is not ordinary people. She also has a cruel heart. He accepted the advice of the so-called adoptive father Wang Yun and began to show his beauty in front of Lu Bu, which fascinated Lu Bu. Then he made a toast in front of Dong Zhuo, and then falsely accused Lu Bu that Dong Zhuo forced her to possess her, making Lu Bu and Dong Zhuo become righteous fathers and sons, and finally turned against each other. Although Dong Zhuo is unbearable, Lu Bu is also under consideration. Moreover, he is sincere about the story of diusim, and has never looked down on the story of diusim as a handmaid. However, this story of Diusim has always been insincere to Lu Bu, and has never put any affection into Lu Bu. Because she knew that Lu Bu's recklessness would not give her long-term freedom, and when Lu Bu died, Diusim's story finally got the freedom he wanted.
Third, a beautiful woman must be cruel, otherwise she can't break into a world of her own. Throughout the ages, beautiful women must be cruel. If they are not cruel, it will inevitably lead to the misfortune of beautiful women, because their beauty will definitely make many men have ulterior motives for them, or treat them with a vase mentality. If they want to get ahead and not be treated as vases, they need to be hard on themselves, so that they can rush out of their own world in a patriarchal society.