Bilingual example
This is a China name; Last name is Xuan.
This is the name of a China man named Xuan.
Su En Hoon Jessica Hester Hsuan (Chinese: Jessica Hester Hsuan; Pinyin: xuā n xuā n; [IPA:syn hyn]; Born in 18 August 1970), she is a British Chinese actress who mainly lives in Hong Kong.
Jessica Hester Xuan, or Sun Hui (Chinese: Jessica Hester Hsuan; Pinyin: slowly ā ā n n; ; [IPA: SYN Taizhou]; Born in1August 8 1970), mainly British China actresses.
Hsuan graduated from Imperial College London, London on 1992 with a bachelor's degree in materials science and engineering.
Xuan graduated from "Materials Science and Engineering" 1992 in Imperial College London, London.
1. Practising as a Chinese medicine major, what category can the attending physician apply for?
Yes, there are many sp