Import? Java . util . scanner;
*? Created? By who? Chen? Open? 20 15/ 1 1/ 1 1.
Public? Class? t? {
Public? Static electricity Invalid? main(String[]? args)? {
int? Temporary workers? =? 0;
Scanner? s? =? New? Scanner (system. in);
System.out.print ("Please enter 3 integers");
int? Answer? =? s . nextint();
int? b? =? s . nextint();
int? c? =? s . nextint();
What if? (a? & gt? b)? {
Temporary workers? =? a;
Answer? =? b;
b? =? Temperature;
What if? (a? & gt? c)? {
Temporary workers? =? a;
Answer? =? c;
c? =? Temperature;
What if? (b? & gt? c)? {
Temporary workers? =? b;
b? =? c;
c? =? Temperature;
System. Out.println ("the value of a:"? +? Answer? +? "the value of b:"? +? b? +? "the value of c:"? +? c);
The second question:
Import? Java . util . scanner;
*? Created? By who? Chen? Open? 20 15/ 1 1/ 1 1.
Public? Class? t? {
Public? Static electricity Invalid? main(String[]? args)? {
int? Temporary workers? =? 0;
Scanner? s? =? New? Scanner (system. in);
System.out.print ("enter a number");
int? Answer? =? s . nextint();
System.out.println ("This integer is a multiple of 3 or 5");
Or what? System.out.println (""This number cannot be divisible by any number of 3 or 5 "? );
The third question:
Import? Java . util . scanner;
*? Created? By who? Chen? Open? 20 15/ 1 1/ 1 1.
Public? Class? t? {
Public? Static electricity Invalid? main(String[]? args)? {
int? Price? =? 5000;
Scanner? s? =? New? Scanner (system. in);
System.out.print ("Enter the booking month:");
int? Month? =? s . nextint();
What if? (month? & gt? 0? & amp& amp? Month? & lt? 13)? {
What if? (month? & gt? 3? & amp& amp? Month? & lt? 1 1)? {
System.out.println ("The ticket prices this month are as follows: first class"? +? Price? *? 0.9? +? "yuan" +? "?" ? +? "economy class"+? Price? *? 0.8);
}? Or what? System.out.println ("The ticket prices this month are as follows: first class"? +? Price? *? 0.5? +? "yuan" +? "?" ? +? "economy class"+? Price? *? 0.4);
}? Or what? System.out.println ("Please enter the correct month");
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