Astro- stands for "star", astronaut n.
Anto, I can't find it.
Anti-, which means "oppose and repel", antibody n.
Bio- stands for "life, biology".
Heart-stands for "heart", cardiology.
Chrono-, meaning "time", chronology n.
Cine- stands for "movie, movie", movie market.
Cosmo-, meaning "order and harmony", cosmogony n. The birth of the universe, the theory of evolution of the universe
Cyclo-, meaning "circle", encyclopedia
Electro- stands for "electricity, electrons and electricity".
Endo-, which means "inside", endo cone n.
Ethno-, meaning "race, nationality", ethnology n.
Geo- stands for "earth, land", geography n.
-gram, meaning "card, letter", telegram n.
-graph, meaning "graph, curve", autographed y n. Handwriting, base paper lithography.
Hema- stands for "blood" and destroys blood cells.
Holo-, which means "many, all", the holocaust.
Homo-, meaning "same", homoclimate.
Hydro- means "water, liquid and fluid" and "hydrogen-containing"; Hydroelectric power generation; Hydrogen; hydrogen (H)
Hypo-,meaning "below" ... inferior, inferior, insufficient, subordinate ",subtype Hypotype n.
Iso-, meaning "equal, identical" (vowel preceded by is-), equidiagonal line (equidiagonal line, isotropic line)
-logic, meaning "learning", geology n.
Macro-,meaning "big and long", macroeconomics n.
Mego- I can't find it.
Mega-, which means "one million times bigger", MW N. MW, MW.
-meter, which means "meter" and "meter"; Altimeter; Altimeter; height gauge
Micro-,meaning "tiny, one in a million", microeconomics n.
Mono-, meaning "single, single", monopoly n.
Neo-, which means "new, recent", novice.
Neuro- stands for "nerve", neuron n.
Orthodox, orthodox, orthodox
-sympathy, meaning "emotion, feeling", sympathy n.
Phono-, meaning "sound, pronunciation", phonology n.
Photo- means "light, photography, photos".
Poly-, meaning "multiple, multiple, more than one", technology A. Various technologies, comprehensive technology
Psycho-, meaning "soul spirit", psychology n.
-Range, meaning "range", telescope
Stereoscopic, meaning "stereoscopic", stereoscopic observation mirror
Tele-, which means "remote transmission, television", telephone number n.
Thermo-, which means "heat, thermoelectric", thermometer n.
Topo- stands for "topography" and topology.