Decimal integer to binary
To convert a decimal integer into binary, you only need to play a game of "divide by 2 and take the remainder". Divide by 2 from low to high, and the remainder is one bit of binary number. Finally, the remainder is arranged in reverse order to get the binary number.
Decimal to binary
To convert decimal into binary, you can use the method of "rounding 2". Multiply by 2, take out the integer part, and multiply the remaining decimal part by 2. Until the decimal part is 0, or the required precision is achieved. Finally, the binary number of the integer part and the binary number of the decimal part are combined to get the binary number of the decimal part.
Combination of integer and decimal parts
A complete binary number is a combination of binary numbers with integer and decimal parts. Remember to use decimal points to separate binary numbers with integer parts and decimal parts.
Digital conversion magic
Master the skills of digital conversion, and you can easily shuttle through the digital world! Digital conversion, so simple!