Santa Claus bread making
28g of high-gluten flour
4g of eggs
145g of milk
3g of sugar
3g of salt
4g of yeast
2g of butter
How to make Santa Claus bread?
Lazy version: put all the materials except butter into the bread machine, start the "dough" program, and after kneading for half an hour, add butter and start the whole "dough" program again (including kneading for half an hour and fermenting for one hour).
weigh out 6g, 23g and 23g dough respectively, cover with plastic wrap and relax for 15 minutes.
roll one of the 23g dough into an inverted triangle and put it in a baking tray.
roll another 23g dough into a semicircle, draw strips with a knife or scissors with a width of 1cm, and put them on the previous inverted triangle. It is better to expose one third of the inner layer of dough from the outer layer of dough.
after loading, twist the noodles into a twist shape, which makes the strands more natural and more like a beard.
Make the remaining 6 grams of dough into a small beard, a nose and a ball on a hat. The weight is not too strict. Just master it yourself and coordinate the proportions. Eyes, I am made of two longan.
preheat the oven, set it to fermentation function, put a bowl of boiling water in the oven, and put the shaped bread in the oven for one hour.
Take out the second bread, coat the hat with red food pigment, and coat the rest with whole egg liquid.
preheat the oven to 18℃, put the bread in and bake for 15-2 minutes. Pay attention to the coloring of the bread during the process. If the coloring is satisfactory, you can cover it with tin foil to stop it from being overcooked!
Due to the limitation of the size of the baking tray, I personally feel that the hat should be longer and then folded just right! It seems a little short now.