The role of Meitu Xiuxiu

Summary of functions 1. Picture fine-tuning ①Brightness, contrast, color saturation, hue adjustment, soft light, classic LOMO, classic photo studio, cool gradient, sharpening, soft, smart color, full color, relief , newspaper, black and white, warming, etc.; ② 8 LOMO styles 2. Portrait beauty face slimming, microdermabrasion and acne removal, skin whitening, blush, eye enlargement, eye discoloration, eye shadow, eyelashes, eyebrows, red eye elimination, wig addition, Hair dye, lip gloss, tattoos; 3. Cute accessories: cute hearts, conversation bubbles, cute animals, cartoon characters, decorations: crowns, bows, nails, hats, glasses. Flash words, non-mainstream printing, colorful festivals, other accessories, happy spoofs; 4. Super cool text templates: happy, sweet, sad, alternative; text animation flash words, static text; 5. Border borders: easy borders, tearing edges Borders, animated borders; 6. Realistic scenes, non-mainstream scenes, cute scenes, other scenes; Cutout pictures to change backgrounds (the first and exclusive) Background: magazine backgrounds, landscape backgrounds, star backgrounds, cute backgrounds; 7. Non-mainstream flash pictures Pictures: striped flash pictures, multi-picture flash pictures, other flash pictures 8. Bobblehead dolls funny bobblehead dolls, non-mainstream bobblehead dolls, cute bobblehead dolls, multi-person bobblehead dolls (exclusive and first) Other special pictures can be used in many forums Signature file.

Use beautiful pictures to make avatars 1. Typesetting 2. Streaming characters 3. Flash characters 4. Flash pictures 5. Real-life signatures 6. Avatars 7. Fading (revealing) characters 8. Anime signatures