1. Pain: The characteristic of pain is that it is fixed on the injured side, and the pain gets worse with the increase of activity, and some patients have no obvious pain.
2, joint atresia: when the activity suddenly "stuck", the joint can not stretch and bend. Generally speaking, joint atresia is rare in acute phase, and mostly occurs in chronic phase. After locking, the joint is sore and unable to flex, so it can be "unlocked" by itself or with the help of a doctor. After unlocking, the synovial reaction often swells, and the interlocking features are fixed on the injured side.
3. Click sound: When the knee joint moves, you can hear or feel the click sound on the injured side of the meniscus.
4, joint swelling: during the acute injury period of hydrops, there are many synovial injuries or other structural injuries, and joint hematocele and hydrops often occur. The swelling after chronic joint activity is related to the amount of activity. Joint fluid is yellow and translucent synovial fluid, which is the result of chronic traumatic synovitis. Joint swelling and effusion can be examined by floating patella test and knee joint effusion induction test.
5, quadriceps femoris muscular atrophy: meniscus injury has obvious symptoms, long-term untreated, can cause quadriceps femoris muscular atrophy, especially the medial thigh muscle. But muscle atrophy of quadriceps femoris is not a specific sign.
6. Joint tenderness and protrusion: the joint tenderness on the meniscus injury side is positive, and the tenderness point is mostly consistent with the meniscus injury site (such as body injury and internal tenderness). You can also touch the injured meniscus in the form of a whip bump at the joint space, which is often the tenderness. Meniscal eminence is of great significance for diagnosis, but it should be differentiated from cyst.