Criteria for identification of nasal disability
The local defect of the tip of the nose or alar reaches to the cartilage, even if it is level 10 disability. According to the classification of human disability: 1, grade 8: most of bilateral alar defects, or most of nasal tip defects combined with most of one alar defects; Grade 2 and 9: most of the alar or tip of one side is defective or severely deformed; Grade 3, 10: the defect of nasal tip or alar reaches cartilage 10. According to a) partial defect or deformity of tissues and organs, slight dysfunction, which has certain influence; B) No drug dependence or general drug dependence, no nursing dependence; C) Activities related to daily life are slightly restricted; D) Work and study abilities are affected to some extent; E) Social skills are slightly limited.