Most liposuction operations and some small-area skin liposuction operations can be performed under local anesthesia, which is simple, safe, quick after operation and low in cost. Local anesthesia is completed by the operator, which requires the operator to have certain anesthesia theory and technology, especially mastering swelling anesthesia technology. Intensive anesthesia can also be used for patients with excessive anxiety and fear.
2. General anesthesia: large area skin fat excision and plastic surgery and large area liposuction. If the anesthetic required for local anesthesia exceeds the safe dose, it must be carried out under general anesthesia.
For those patients who are afraid before operation but still want to lose weight and shape, general anesthesia or local swelling anesthesia can be used. General anesthesia is universal, painless and easy to manage, and can control blood pressure and body temperature, but it requires high equipment conditions and technology, and general anesthesia drugs are dangerous and expensive.
3. Nerve block anesthesia: Nerve block anesthesia includes peripheral cutaneous nerve block anesthesia such as epidural anesthesia, spinal anesthesia or brachial plexus, which can achieve analgesic effect, but it cannot achieve the technical effect of swelling anesthesia. Therefore, when using the above anesthesia, 0.05% lidocaine swelling solution should be injected locally to achieve other effects of swelling technique.