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Complete list of registration details
Reg is a command to add, change, import, export and other operations to the values in registry subkey information and registry key values.

REG introduction, reg command, add subitem, syntax, parameters, type introduction, comments, examples, examples 1, examples 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,1,regeneration. A closed loop is defined as a plane REG command REG Add REG Compare REG Copy REG Delete REG Export REG Import REG Load REG Query REG Restore REG Save REG Unload to add a new subitem or item to the registry. The syntax regaddkeyname [{/v valuename |/ve}] [/t datatype] [/s separator] [/d data] [/f] Parameterkeyname specifies the full path of the subitem or item to be added. To specify a remote computer, include the computer name (in the format of \\ComputerName\) as part of the KeyName. Omitting the \ \ computer name results in the default operation of the local computer. KeyName must contain a valid root key. Valid root bonds include HKLM, HKCU, HKCR, HKU and HKCC. If a remote computer is specified, valid root keys are HKLM and HKU. /v ValueName specifies the name of the registry key to be added under the specified subkey. /ve specifies that the registry key added to the registry is null. /t Type specifies the type of registry key. Type must be one of the following types: reg _ szreg _ multi _ szreg _ dword _ big _ endianreg _ dword _ little _ endianreg _ linkreg _ full _ resource _ descriptor reg _ expand _ sztype introduces binary value REG_BINARY original binary data. Most hardware component information is stored as binary data and displayed in the registry editor in hexadecimal format. The DWORD value REG_DWORD is data represented by a number with a group length of 4 bits (32-bit integer). Many parameters of device drivers and services are of this type and are displayed in the Registry Editor in binary, hexadecimal or decimal format. The relevant values are DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN (the least significant byte is at the lowest address) and REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN (the least significant byte is at the highest address). Extensible string value REG_EXPAND_SZ A variable-length data string. This data type includes variables that are parsed when a program or service uses data. Multi-string value REG_MULTI_SZ Multi-string. Values that contain lists or multiple values that users can read usually fall into this category. Entries are separated by spaces, commas, or other tags. String value REG_SZ A fixed-length text string. A series of nested arrays of binary value REG_RESOURCE_LIST, which is used to store the list of resources used by hardware device drivers or physical devices controlled by them. This data is detected by the system and written into the \ResourceMap tree, and displayed in the registry editor as a binary value in hexadecimal format. Binary value REG_RESOURCE_REQUIREMENTS_LIST A series of nested arrays used to store a list of hardware resources that may be used by device drivers or physical devices controlled by them. The system writes a subset of this list to the resource mapping tree. This data is detected by the system and displayed in the registry editor as a binary value in hexadecimal format. Binary value REG_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR A series of nested arrays used to store the list of resources used by physical hardware devices. This data is detected by the system and written into the hardware description tree, and displayed in the registry editor as a binary value in hexadecimal format. There is no REG_NONE, and there is no specific type of data. This data is written into the registry by the system or application, and displayed as binary values in hexadecimal format in the registry editor. Link REG_LINK is a Unicode string named symbolic link. The QWORD value REG_QWORD data is represented by a 64-bit integer. This data is displayed as a binary value in the Registry Editor and was originally used in Windows 2000. /s separator When the REG_MULTI_SZ data type is specified and multiple items need to be listed, please specify the character used to separate multiple data instances. If not specified, the default delimiter setting "\0" will be used. /d Data specifies the data of the new registry key. /f Add a registry key without confirmation. /? Display reg add help at the command prompt. Comments? This operation cannot add subtrees. This version of Reg does not require confirmation when adding subitems. ? The following table lists the return values of the reg add operation. Value description 0 succeeded. 1 failed? For the REG_EXPAND_SZ item type, the caret () is used with "%"in the /d parameter. Example example 1 To add the HKLM\Sofare\MyCo key on the remote computer ABC, type: regadd \ \ ABC \ HKLM \ Sofare \ MyCo add a registry key in HKLM \ Sofare \ myco, the option is ValueName: data; ; Type: REG _ BINARY;; Numerical data: fe340ead;; Type: reg add hklm \ sofa \ myco/vdata/treg _ binary/dfe340ead to add a multivalued registry key to hklm \ sofa \ myco, with the option of valuename: mru; ; Data type: reg _ multi _ SZ Digital data: fax \ 0 mail \ 0 \ 0; Type: reg add hklm \ sofa \ myco/vmru/treg _ multi _ SZ/dfax \ 0mail \ 0 \ 0to add an extended registry key to hklm \ sofa \ myco, the option is valuename: path; ; Data type: reg _ expand _ SZ Digital data:% systemroot% Type: reg add hklm \ sofa \ myco/vpath/treg _ expand _ SZ/d% systemroot% regcompare to compare the specified registry subkey or key. Syntax regcompare keyname 1 keyname2 [{/vValueName |/ve}] [{/OA |/OD |/OS | on}] [/s] Parameter keyname1specifies the full path of the first subitem to be compared. To specify a remote computer, include the computer name (in the format of \\ComputerName\) as part of the KeyName. Omitting the \ \ computer name results in the default operation of the local computer. KeyName must contain a valid root key. Valid root bonds include HKLM, HKCU, HKCR, HKU and HKCC. If a remote computer is specified, valid root keys are HKLM and HKU. KeyName2 specifies the full path of the second subitem to compare. To specify a remote computer, include the computer name (in the format of \\ComputerName\) as part of the KeyName. Omitting the \ \ computer name results in the default operation of the local computer. Specifying only the computer name in KeyName2 causes the operation to use the path of the subkey specified in KeyName 1. KeyName must contain a valid root key. Valid root bonds include HKLM, HKCU, HKCR, HKU and HKCC. If a remote computer is specified, valid root keys are HKLM and HKU. /v ValueName specifies the name of the value under the subitem to compare. /ve specifies that only items with null names are compared. [{/oa | /od | /os | on}] Specifies how to display the results of the comparison operation. The default setting is /od. The following table lists each option. The value description /oa specifies that all different points and matching points are displayed. By default, only differences are listed. /od specifies that only different points are displayed. This is the default operation. /os specifies that only matching points are displayed. By default, only differences are listed. /on specifies that nothing is displayed. By default, only differences are listed. /s recursively compares all subitems and items. /? It is helpful to display the registry at the command prompt. Comments? The following table lists the return values of the reg comparison operation. The value description 0 succeeded with the same result. 1 comparison failed. More successful, find differences. ? The following table lists the symbols displayed in the results. Symbol description = KeyName 1 data equals KeyName2 data < KeyName 1 data is less than KeyName2 data >; KeyName 1 Data is greater than KeyName2 Data Example 2 To compare all values under MyApp with all values under SaveMyApp, type: reg compare HKLM \ Sofare \ myco \ MyApp HKLM \ Sofare \ myco \ Save MyApp To compare the Version value under MyCo with the value under MyCo 1, type: regcompare HKLM \ Sofare \ mychoklm \ Sofare \ mycoversion To copy all subkeys and values under HKLM \ Sofare \ MyCo on ZODIAC and /s reg copy to the specified location on the local or remote computer. Syntax regcopykeyname 1 keyname2 [/s] [/f] The parameter keyname1specifies the full path of the subitem to be copied. To specify a remote computer, include the computer name (in the format of \\ComputerName\) as part of the KeyName. Omitting the \ \ computer name results in the default operation of the local computer. KeyName must contain a valid root key. Valid root bonds include HKLM, HKCU, HKCR, HKU and HKCC. If a remote computer is specified, valid root keys are HKLM and HKU. KeyName2 refers to the complete path of the sub-project plot. To specify a remote computer, include the computer name (in the format of \\ComputerName\) as part of the KeyName. Omitting the \ \ computer name results in the default operation of the local computer. KeyName must contain a valid root key. Valid root bonds include HKLM, HKCU, HKCR, HKU and HKCC. If a remote computer is specified, valid root keys are HKLM and HKU. /s copies all subitems and items under the specified subitem. /f Copy subitems directly without confirmation. /? Display reg copy help at the command prompt. Comments? Reg does not require confirmation when copying subitems. ? The following table lists the return values of the reg copy operation. Value description 0 success 1 failure Example 3 To copy all subitems and values under MyApp item to SaveMyApp item, type: reg copy hklm \ sofa \ myco \ myapphklm \ sofa \ myco \ Save MyApp/s To copy all the values under the MyCo item on the computer ZODIAC to the MyCo 1 item on the current computer, type: regcopy \ \ Zodiac \ HKLM \ Sofare \ mychocklm \ Sofare \ mycolm \ Sofare \ MyCo 1 regdelete specifies the full path of the subitem or item to be deleted from the syntax regdelete KeyName [{/v valuename |/ve |/va}] [/f] parameter keyname. To specify a remote computer, include the computer name (in the format of \\ComputerName\) as part of the KeyName. Omitting the \ \ computer name results in the default operation of the local computer. KeyName must contain a valid root key. Valid root bonds include HKLM, HKCU, HKCR, HKU and HKCC. If a remote computer is specified, valid root keys are HKLM and HKU. /v ValueName deletes a specific item under a subitem. If no item is specified, all items and subitems under subitems will be deleted. /ve specifies that only items with null values can be deleted. /va Deletes all items under the specified subitem. You cannot use this parameter to delete subkeys under the specified subkey. /f Delete an existing registry subkey or key without asking for confirmation. /? Display help for reg delete at the command prompt. Comments? The following table lists the return values of the reg delete operation. Value description 0 success 1 failure Example 4 To delete the registry key Timeout and all its subkeys and values, type: reg delete HKLM \ Sofare \ MyApp \ timeout To delete the registry value MTU under HKLM \ Sofare \ myapp on the computer ZODIAC, type: reg delete \ \ zodiac \ hklm \ sofa \ myco/v MTU regexport To copy the specified subitems, items and values of the local computer to a file for transmission to other servers. Syntax reg export keyname filename [/y] The keyname parameter specifies the full path of the subitem. The export operation can only be performed on the local computer. KeyName must contain a valid root key. Valid root bonds include HKLM, HKCU, HKCR, HKU and HKCC. FileName specifies the name and path of the file created during the operation. The file must have a. reg extension. /y Overwrite any existing file named FileName without asking for confirmation. /? Display registry export help at the command prompt. Comments? The following table lists the return values of the reg export operation. Value description 0 success 1 failure Example 5 Export the contents of all subitems and values of MyApp items to the file AppBkUp.reg, and type: regexporthklm \ Sofare \ myco \ MyApp Appbkup.regregregregregregimport Copy the contents of the file containing the exported registry subitems, items and values to the registry of the local computer. Syntax Reg import FileName parameter FileName specifies the name and path of the file whose contents will be copied to the local computer registry. This file must be pre-created using reg export. /? Display help for reg import at the command prompt. Comments? The following table lists the return values of the reg import operation. Value Description 0 Success 1 Failure Example 6 Import registry keys from a file named AppBkUp.reg, and type: regimport appbkup.regload to write the saved subkeys and keys back to different subkeys in the registry. Use temporary files to troubleshoot or edit registry keys. Syntax reg load KeyName FileName parameter KeyName specifies the full path of the subitem to be loaded. To specify a remote computer, include the computer name (in the format of \\ComputerName\) as part of the KeyName. Omitting the \ \ computer name results in the default operation of the local computer. KeyName must contain a valid root key. Valid root bonds include HKLM, HKCU, HKCR, HKU and HKCC. If a remote computer is specified, valid root keys are HKLM and HKU. FileName specifies the name and path of the file to be loaded. The file must be created in advance using the reg save operation. HIV as an extension. /? Display reg load help at the command prompt. Comments? The following table lists the return values of the reg load operation. Value description 0 success 1 failure Example 7 Load a file named into the HKLM\TempHive item and type: reg load HKLM \ Temphive Temphive. HIV regquer # returns a list of subitems and items at the next lower level under the subitem specified in the registry. Syntax regquery KeyName [{/v valuename |/ve}] [/s] [/se separator] [/f data] [{/k |/d}] [/c] [/e] [/t type] [/z] The parameter keyname specifies the full path of the subitem. To specify a remote computer, include the computer name (in the format of \\ComputerName\) as part of the KeyName. Omitting the \ \ computer name results in the default operation of the local computer. KeyName must contain a valid root key. Valid root bonds include HKLM, HKCU, HKCR, HKU and HKCC. If a remote computer is specified, valid root keys are HKLM and HKU. /v ValueName specifies the name of the registry value to query. If omitted, all the value names of KeyName are returned. If the /f option is also used, the ValueName of this parameter is optional. /ve query null name. /s specifies that this parameter recursively queries all subitems and value names. /se Separator specifies a single-value separation setting to search for value names of type REG_MULTI_SZ. If no delimiter is specified, "\0" is used. /f Data specifies the data or pattern to search. If the string contains spaces, use double quotes. If not specified, the wildcard ("*") is used as the search pattern. /k specifies to search only in the project name. /d specifies to search only in the data. /c specifies that the query is case-sensitive. By default, queries are case insensitive. /e specifies that only exact matches are returned. By default, all matches are returned. /t Type specifies the type of registry to search. Valid types include: REG_SZ, REG_MULTI_SZ, REG_EXPAND_SZ, REG_DWORD, REG_BINARY and REG_NONE. If not specified, all types are searched. /z Specifies that the search results contain a numeric equivalent of the registry type. /? Display registry query help at the command prompt. Comments? The following table lists the return values of the reg query operation. Value description 0 success 1 failure Example 8 To display the value of the name value Version in the keyword HKLM\Sofare\Microsoft\ResKit, type: reg query HKLM \ Sofare \ Microsoft \ reskit/v version To display HKLM \ For all subitems and values under SOFARE \ Microsoft \ REKIT \ NT \ Setup, please type: regquery \ \ ABC \ HKLM \ SOFARE \ Microsoft \ REKIT \ NT \ Setup/s To display all subitems and values of type REG_MULTI_SZ, With "#" as the separation setting, please type: reg query hklm \ Sofare \ Microsoft \ respit \ nt \ setup/se # The "SYSTEM" item, value and data under HKLM root with REG_SZ data type to be displayed are case-sensitive. Type: reg query hklm/f system/treg _ SZ/c/e To display the "0F" items, values and data in the data under the root keyword HKCU of REG_BINARY data type, type. REG QUERY HKCU /f 0F /d /t REG_BINARY To display the value and data of null (default value) under HKLM \ software, type: regqueryHKLM \ software/veregrestore to write the saved subkeys and items back to the registry. Syntax Reg restore KeyName FileName parameter KeyName specifies the full path of the subitem to be restored. The restore operation is only valid on the local computer. KeyName must contain a valid root key. Valid root bonds include HKLM, HKCU, HKCR, HKU and HKCC. FileName specifies the name and path of the file whose contents will be written back to the registry. The file must be created in advance using the reg save operation. HIV as an extension. /? Display reg restore help at the command prompt. Comments? Before editing any registry key, please use the reg save operation to save the parent-child key. If editing fails, you can use the reg restore operation to restore the original subitem. ? The following table lists the return values of the reg restore operation. Value description 0 success 1 failure Example 9 To restore a file named to the HKLM\Sofare\Microsoft\ResKit key, and overwrite the existing contents of the key, type: reg restore HKLM \ Sofare \ Microsoft \ reskit ntrkup.hivreg Save a copy of the specified subkey, key and registry value to the specified file. Syntax regsavekeyname filename [/y] The keyname parameter specifies the full path of the subitem. To specify a remote computer, include the computer name (in the format of \\ComputerName\) as part of the KeyName. Omitting the \ \ computer name results in the default operation of the local computer. KeyName must contain a valid root key. Valid root bonds include HKLM, HKCU, HKCR, HKU and HKCC. If a remote computer is specified, valid root keys are HKLM and HKU. FileName specifies the name and path of the created file. If no path is specified, the current path is used. /y Overwrite any existing file named FileName without asking for confirmation. /? Display help for reg save at the command prompt. Comments? The following table lists the return values of the reg save operation. Value description 0 succeeded. 1 failed? Before editing any registry key, please use the reg save operation to save the parent-child key. If editing fails, you can use the reg restore operation to restore the original subitem. Example10to save hive MyApp in the current folder as a file named, type: regsavehklm \ Sofare \ myco \ regunload to delete the loaded partial registry. Syntax reg unload KeyName parameter KeyName specifies the full path of the subitem to be unloaded. To specify a remote computer, include the computer name (in the format of \\ComputerName\) as part of the KeyName. Omitting the \ \ computer name results in the default operation of the local computer. KeyName must contain a valid root key. Valid root bonds include HKLM, HKCU, HKCR, HKU and HKCC. If a remote computer is specified, valid root keys are HKLM and HKU. /? Display reg unload help at the command prompt. Comments? The following table lists the return values of the reg unload operation. Value Description 0 Success 1 Failure Example 1 1 Unload the configuration unit TempHive of HKLM, type: REG load HKLM \ temp hive② The basic function of the regenerative relay device REG:REG is to receive the signal from the optical fiber line and send it to the next optical fiber line after regeneration. At the same time, REG generates and terminates the regenerative section overhead. Regenerator-Regenerator transmission line regeneration and relay equipment is used to overcome the cumulative damage of signals in the optical path, such as waveform distortion caused by dispersion. Regs are divided into three types: 1R, 2R, 3R. Regenerator REG (Regenerator) Definition: A device that realizes digital signal regeneration. Principle: When we find the fuel tank alarm when driving for a long time, the most important thing to do at this time is to quickly find the gas station, refuel the car, let it eat and drink enough, restore energy, and let our car start long-distance driving again. REG is a gas station on the optical transmission line. Due to the loss and dispersion in optical fiber, the original high and thin optical pulse signal will become short and fat after long-distance transmission, and the energy will become weaker and weaker, and many burrs (noises) will appear. If such a signal is not processed, it is impossible to know what information is transmitted when it continues to be transmitted to the receiving end. So we need to set REG in the middle of the line to regenerate the amplified signal. That is, energy is provided to the optical pulse signal to restore the deformed optical pulse to its original appearance, as shown in figure 1, which can be transmitted over a long distance. Type: There are two types of REG in optical transmission network: one is pure optical regenerative repeater, which can directly amplify optical signals; The other is an electrical regenerative repeater that amplifies electrical signals. At this time, it is necessary to convert the optical signal into an electrical signal through optical/electrical conversion, shape and amplify the electrical signal, and then restore the electrical signal into an optical signal after regeneration. Among them, pure optical regenerative repeater is widely used in ultra-long-distance optical transmission systems because of its higher conversion efficiency and wider application range. Registration scope, ephemeris, GMT Greenwich mean time, scope, almanac