1, patients with blood allergy are not suitable for dimple plastic surgery;
2. Patients with hypertrophic scar are not suitable for dimple plastic surgery;
3. Patients with hypertension, heart disease and diabetes are not suitable for dimple plastic surgery;
4. Patients with infectious diseases are not suitable for dimple plastic surgery.
1, the cheek is generally not bandaged after operation. It should be pointed out that dimples may not appear for several days due to postoperative cheek swelling;
2. After the artificial dimples are formed, the skin is also sunken when the face is expressionless in the early stage, that is, there are dimples when you smile or not. Don't worry at this time. After about half a year, the facial muscles are still and the skin is not sunken, and gradually return to nature, that is, dimples will appear when talking and smiling;
3, pay attention to oral hygiene, gargle with compound chlorhexidine mouthwash or normal saline a few days ago, 5 to 6 times a day, after each meal and before going to bed;
4, diet should choose easy to chew, easy to digest, nutritious food. Such as custard, bean products, spinach, tomatoes and so on.
5. Avoid hard food and all irritating foods, such as fried food, dried steamed bread, onion, ginger, garlic, pepper, wine, etc. To reduce irritation and rubbing wounds.