2. Pay attention to openness and weaken polarity: most varieties of pear trees have small branching angles and strong polarity (also known as top advantage). It is easy to form strong main branches and weak side branches; The upper part of the crown is strong and the lower part is weak. Therefore, we should use methods such as pulling, twisting and falling branches to shift the strong branches, change the angle, promote the crown opening and control the strong branches; The central trunk should be bent, and when it is too high, the head should be cut to weaken the polarity and press the growth potential to the lower part of the crown.
3. Light thinning and more staying, long staying and long releasing: Because pear trees have high germination rate and low branching rate. Therefore, after lengthening the branches, bending, pulling and dropping the strong branches, the short branches are promoted; For these short branches, be light and sparse, so that more short fruit branches can form flower buds. This is an important method to cultivate fruit-bearing branches of pear trees, so that pear trees can bear fruit early and have high yield.