As specifies the type of the variable.
When the program is executed, the Dim statement allocates memory space for variables according to their types.
Dim is a statement used by VB to declare variables.
For example:
Dim n is an integer and Aver is a double precision.
Vb dim a is single. What does being single mean here? 1.7374.
Floating-point numbers are decimals
What does dim mean in Chinese phonetic comparison vb? It is just a keyword used to define variables in VB. You can understand it as a definition or as a specific symbol.
Fuzzy sentence
Declare variables and allocate storage space.
Dim[WithEvents]varname[([ subscript ])] [As [New] type] [,[withevents] varname [(subscript ])] [As [New] type]] . .
What does "dim a as string" mean in VB? Dim a as string: define a variable a of type string;
Dim stands for "definition";
A is the variable name;
As stands for "type as"
String represents the string type;
As double is a high-order floating-point type, and as integer stands for integer.
Save "Zhang San", "Chinese Cabbage", "Monday" and "1 1 year" with character strings; ; Use double for "-1.5", "0" and "3.1415"; Use integers to save "0", "9" and "250"
What does Dim a As Integer mean in vb? Define a variable A, the type is integer, and the value range is -32768 to 32767. If it is not within this range, an overflow error will occur.
What does Dim s mean to be an integer in vb? Variable declaration:
Dim< variable name > As< data type >;
For example, Dim s As Integer defines an integer variable named s.
Character variables are characters enclosed in double quotation marks, such as "1sd" and "wki". Different characters represent different variables.
Extension: Variable: The amount whose value can be changed during the execution of a program is called a variable.
Precautions for variable naming:
(1) must start with a letter, not with other numbers or other characters.
② It can only be composed of letters, numbers or underscores, and cannot contain decimal points, spaces and other characters.
③ The maximum length is no more than 255 characters.
④ VB reserved words cannot be used as variable names, such as statement definitions and function names.
⑤VB does not distinguish the case of letters in variable names, for example, stupidity and stupidity are the same variable.
What does Dim a as Variant mean in VB program? Define a as a variable.
In fact, if you don't define it this way, it will be Variant by default.
VB programming: what does dim a and x mean?
This means that variables A and X are defined, so only two quantities are defined.
Assignments and operations can be performed in future programs.