What does dim mean in VB?
What does dim mean in VB? Dim is the abbreviation of Dimension, followed by the name of the desired variable.

As specifies the type of the variable.

When the program is executed, the Dim statement allocates memory space for variables according to their types.

Dim is a statement used by VB to declare variables.

For example:

Dim n is an integer and Aver is a double precision.

Vb dim a is single. What does being single mean here? 1.7374.

Floating-point numbers are decimals

What does dim mean in Chinese phonetic comparison vb? It is just a keyword used to define variables in VB. You can understand it as a definition or as a specific symbol.

Fuzzy sentence

Declare variables and allocate storage space.


Dim[WithEvents]varname[([ subscript ])] [As [New] type] [,[withevents] varname [(subscript ])] [As [New] type]] . .

What does "dim a as string" mean in VB? Dim a as string: define a variable a of type string;

Dim stands for "definition";

A is the variable name;

As stands for "type as"

String represents the string type;

As double is a high-order floating-point type, and as integer stands for integer.

Save "Zhang San", "Chinese Cabbage", "Monday" and "1 1 year" with character strings; ; Use double for "-1.5", "0" and "3.1415"; Use integers to save "0", "9" and "250"

What does Dim a As Integer mean in vb? Define a variable A, the type is integer, and the value range is -32768 to 32767. If it is not within this range, an overflow error will occur.

What does Dim s mean to be an integer in vb? Variable declaration:

Dim< variable name > As< data type >;

For example, Dim s As Integer defines an integer variable named s.

Character variables are characters enclosed in double quotation marks, such as "1sd" and "wki". Different characters represent different variables.

Extension: Variable: The amount whose value can be changed during the execution of a program is called a variable.

Precautions for variable naming:

(1) must start with a letter, not with other numbers or other characters.

② It can only be composed of letters, numbers or underscores, and cannot contain decimal points, spaces and other characters.

③ The maximum length is no more than 255 characters.

④ VB reserved words cannot be used as variable names, such as statement definitions and function names.

⑤VB does not distinguish the case of letters in variable names, for example, stupidity and stupidity are the same variable.

What does Dim a as Variant mean in VB program? Define a as a variable.

In fact, if you don't define it this way, it will be Variant by default.

VB programming: what does dim a and x mean?

This means that variables A and X are defined, so only two quantities are defined.

Assignments and operations can be performed in future programs.