1. If the flatness of the wall exceeds 5mm, in order to make leveling more convenient, it is recommended to use thick leveling materials for thick leveling first. Thick leveling materials can generally be scraped once. Try not to make it too thick, as long as it can be leveled.
Note: It is recommended that a single batch of scraping should not exceed 2cm, as problems such as cracking may occur. If the leveling thickness exceeds 2cm, it is recommended to complete it by scraping multiple times.
2. When the flatness of the wall is less than 5mm, precision leveling materials can be used for leveling. Precision leveling materials are usually scraped 2-3 times and should be as uniform and smooth as possible. In order to obtain better performance when painting, after scraping the fine leveling material, the entire wall must be polished with fine sandpaper to make the wall surface smoother and smoother. If you are not going to paint, then there is no need to sand.
Note: After the water-resistant putty is fully strengthened (5-7 days), it will become extremely solid. At this time, polishing will become extremely difficult. Therefore, it is recommended to start putty polishing 1-2 days after the last layer of material is applied to the wall. When polishing, use a light bulb of more than 200 watts close to the wall for lighting, and check the flatness while polishing to obtain better results.
Construction is different according to the base layer:
The process of puttying on the concrete wall is: base layer treatment - base layer repair - brushing with caustic alkali aqueous solution - applying adhesive (juice slurry) ——Scrape the white putty--repair and polish--the putty survives.
The process of putting putty on concrete floor slabs and floor joints is: base treatment - base repair - brushing with caustic alkali solution - applying adhesive (juice slurry, spray glue) - scraping white putty - Repair and polish - putty comes to life.
The process of applying cement mortar and putty on the paper gray surface layer is: base treatment - application of adhesive (juice slurry) - scraping of white putty - repair and polishing - putty survival.