What is androgyny?
Androgyny refers to the abnormal development phenomenon that the same individual has hermaphroditic gonads (true hermaphroditism) or gonads of only one sex, and the external genitalia is similar to its corresponding sex (false hermaphroditism). It can be divided into two categories, one is sex chromosome abnormality and the other is hermaphroditism. Under normal circumstances, the female sex chromosome is XX and the male sex chromosome is XY. In the process of maturation and division, the chromosomes of sperm or eggs do not separate, and the phenomenon of sex chromosome chimerism appears. There are different combinations: XY/XX, XO, XO/XY, XY/XX, etc. Individuals can be male or female, and their sexual organs and functions are abnormal to varying degrees, including mental retardation and impotence. Androgyny can be divided into true gender and false gender. True hermaphroditism is rare. There are male and female gonads in the body, and the external genitals are mixed. Sex chromosomes are mostly XX, with occasional XY or XX/XY chimera. The gonad of pseudohermaphroditism is unisexual, and the external genitalia and secondary sexual characteristics are inconsistent with the gonad to varying degrees. According to gonad, it can be divided into female pseudohermaphroditism and male pseudohermaphroditism. Detailed examination of internal and external genitalia, nuclear chromatin and chromosome karyotype is helpful for diagnosis. Treatment should be carried out as soon as possible, and different surgical methods and hormone therapy should be selected according to the patient's personal situation.