Optimal assembly period of prosthesis
This is related to the cause of amputation. The so-called amputation is to cut off and cut off a part of a limb.
The reason for amputation is
1. Injury and its sequelae.
2. Peripheral blood circulation disorder.
3. Malignant tumor
4. Inflammation
5. Nervous system diseases
6. Congenital malformation and obvious leg length inequality
When we talk about the best assembly period, the best assembly period for trauma patients is two weeks to two months.
Fracture patients should be reexamined three and a half months after operation to see if the broken leg can bear the weight. If yes, consider going to the prosthetic company to assemble the prosthesis in the fourth month.
For patients with peripheral blood circulation disorder, the cavity should be loose and the prosthesis should not be too tight.
Patients with malignant tumor should be fitted with artificial limbs after the third course of chemotherapy to improve their mobility and enhance their immunity.
Patients with osteomyelitis need not be too obsessed with leg protection. If they can protect their legs, they can save their lives. No special requirements.
Patients with congenital malformation should seek the advice of orthopedic surgeons, say hello in advance, and ask the technicians of prosthetic companies about the ideal amputation site.