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Data information can be found in Baidu Library and China Statistical Yearbook.
Standard format of references
Reference types: Monograph [M], Proceedings [C], Newspaper article [N], Journal article [J], Dissertation [D] , Report [R], Standard [S], Patent [P], Precipitated documents in the collection [A]
Electronic document types: database [DB], computer [CP], electronic bulletin [EB]
Types of electronic document carriers: Internet [OL], optical disk [CD], magnetic tape [MT], disk [DK]
A: Monographs, proceedings, dissertations, reports
[Serial number] Main person responsible. Document title [Document type identification]. Place of publication: publisher, year of publication. Starting and ending page numbers (optional)
[1] Liu Guojun, Chen Shao Industry. Library Catalog [M]. Beijing: Higher Education Press, 1957.15-18.
B: Journal Articles
[Serial Number] Main Responsible Person. Document Title[J] .Journal title, year, volume (issue): starting and ending page numbers
[1] He Lingxiu. Reading the History of the Southern Ming Dynasty[J]. Chinese History Research, 1998, (3): 167-173. p>
[2]OU J P, SOONG T T, et al.Recent advance in research on applications of passive energy dissipation systems[J]. Earthquack Eng, 1997, 38(3):358-361.
C: Extracted documents in the collection
[Serial number] Main person responsible for the extracted documents. Title of the extracted documents [A]. Main person responsible for the original documents (optional). Title of the original documents [C]. Place of publication: Publisher, year of publication. Starting and ending page numbers
[7] Zhong Wenfa. Application of nonlinear programming in the allocation of combustible poisons [A]. Zhao Wei. The theory and application of operations research - China Operations Research Proceedings of the Fifth Congress of the Society [C]. Xi'an: Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology Press, 1996.468.
D: Newspaper article
[Serial Number] Main person responsible. Document title[ N]. Newspaper name, publication date (edition)
[8] Xie Xide. New ideas for creative learning[N]. People’s Daily, 1998-12-25 (10).
< p>E: Electronic Documents[Document Type/Carrier Type Identification]: [J/OL] Online Journal, [EB/OL] Online Electronic Bulletin,
[M/CD ] CD books, [DB/OL] online database, [DB/MT] magnetic tape database
[Serial number] Main person responsible. Electronic document title [Electronic document and carrier type identification]. Publication or publication of electronic documents Get the address, publication update date/citation date
[12] Wang Mingliang. On the progress of standardized database system engineering of Chinese academic journals
[8] Wan Jin. Chinese University Journal Abstracts (1983 -1993). English version [DB/CD]. Beijing: Encyclopedia of China Publishing House, 1996.
Author. Title [D]. City: Preservation unit, year of publication.
Li Lin. Research on the comprehensive health status and influencing factors of hospitalized burn patients [D]. Fuzhou: Fujian Medical University, 2009.
Author. Title[ J]. Journal title, year, volume (issue): starting and ending page numbers.
Shen Ping, Peng Xiangyue, Li Xiaojing, et al. The effect of clinical pathways applied after surgery for foreign bodies in the respiratory tract of infants and young children [J]. Chinese Journal of Nursing, 2012, 47(10):930-932.
Author. Title [M]. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher, year of publication: starting and ending page numbers.
< p>Hu Yan. Nursing Research [M]. 4th Edition. Beijing: People's Medical Publishing House, 2012: 38.Author. Title [N]. Newspaper name, publication date (edition).
Ding Wenxiang. Digital Revolution and International Competition [N]. China Youth Daily, 2000-11-20(15).
Author. Title [EB/OL]. Website, Publication date/citation date (optional).
World Health Organization. 10 facts about patient safety [EB/OL].
Others: [R], [P] , [A], [C], [Z], etc.