method 1: Verb statement displacement
1. the statement of ver is generally displaced in the present tense. Statements are generally used in the present tense to state actions at the current time, and their verb inflections are very important, which are generally used to describe what the narrator sees at this time. Example: "I saw the cat." Veo Algato.
Yo: Veo
Tú: Ves
é l/ella/usted: ve
nosotros/-as: vemos
vosotros/-as: veis
ellos/ellas/ustedes: ven
. Ver's statements generally emphasize what was really seen in the past in the past. The act of looking at the moment of speaking is over, and what was seen before is gone. Example: "You saw the cat yesterday." Viste al gatoyer.
yo: vi
tú: viste
é l/ella/usted: VIO
nosotros/-as: vimos
vosotros/-as: visteis
ellos/ellas/ustedes: vieron. The unfinished statement of Ver in the past means that the action of watching happened in the past, which is not completely over, and may continue. Example: "They have seen the cat." Ellos veian algato.
yo: veí a
tú: veí as
é l/ella/usted: veí a
nosotros/-as: veí amos
vosotros/-as: veí ais
ellos/ellas/ustedede. Indicates that the action of watching will happen at some point in the future. Example: "We will see the cat tomorrow." Veríamos al gato de ma? Ana.
yo: verí a
tú: verí as
é l/ella/usted: verí a
nosotros/-as: verí amos
vosotros/-as: verí ais
elos/ellas/ustedes: verí. It shows that you can complete the action of watching in the future if you meet a certain condition. Example: "If she comes here tomorrow, she will see the cat." Ella verá al gato si camina allí.
yo: veré
tú: verá s
é l/ella/usted: verá
nosotros/-as: veremos
vosotros/-as: veré is
ellos/ellas/usted. You can use the subjunctive present tense when you have doubts about what someone is seeing now. Example: "I wonder if he has seen the stars." Dudo queé l vealas estrella.
yo: vea
tú: veas
é l/ella/usted: vea
nosotros/-as: veamos
vosotros/-as: veá is
ellos/ellas/ustedede. If someone claims to have seen something, you can use the subjunctive imperfect tense when you are skeptical or negative about it. Note that there are two kinds of modification rules when the subjunctive form is incomplete:
Example: "I wonder if they have seen the stars." Dudo queellos vieran las estrella.
yo: viera or viese
tú: vieras or vieses
él/ella/usted: viera or viese
nosotros/ -as: viéramos or vié semos
vosotros/-as: vierais or vieseis
ellos/ellas/ustedes: vieran or viesen
3, Ver's subjunctive future tense displacement. If the act of watching takes place in the future and the speaker is not sure whether he can see it, he can use the subjunctive future tense. Example: "I wonder if we can see the stars." Dudo queviere las estrella.
yo: viere
tú: vieres
é l/ella/usted: viere
nosotros/-as: vié remos
vosotros/-as: viereis
ellos/ellas/ustedes. Use imperative affirmative sentences when ordering someone to see something. Imperative does not apply to the first person singular "yo".
Example: "Look at the mess here!" ? Ve el desorden! "
tú: ve
é l/ella/usted: vea
nosotros/-as: veamos
vosotros/-as: ved
ellos/ellas/ustedes: vean
2. Verbal negative sentence modification of Ver. Use imperative negative sentences when ordering someone not to look at something. Imperative does not apply to the first person singular "yo".
Example: "see no evil!" ? Veáis el desorden!
tú: noveas
é l/ella/usted: noveas
nosotros/-as: noveamos
vootros/-as: noveá is
ellos/ellas/ustedes: novean
Method 4: verb completion is time-varying. Please use the present perfect tense when the action of watching happened in the past and it may be repeated. The present perfect tense is a compound tense, which consists of the past participles of the auxiliary verbs haber and ver.
Example: "I have seen the rain." Hevisto la Lluvia.
Yo: Hevisto
Tú: Hasvisto
é l/ella/usted: Havisto
nosotros/-as: hemosvisto
vosotros/-as: habé isvisto
ellos/ellas/. This tense indicates that the action of watching happened at some point in the past. The past tense is a compound tense, which consists of past participles of auxiliary verbs haber and ver.
Example: "You have seen the rain." Hubiste visto la lluvia.
yo: hube visto
tú: hubiste visto
él/ella/usted: hubo visto
nosotros/-as: hubimos visto
vosotros/ -as: hubiesteis Visto
ellos/ellas/ustedes: hubieron Visto
3. The past perfect tense displacement of Ver. Emphasize seeing something at some point in the past. The past perfect tense is a compound tense, which consists of the past participles of the auxiliary verbs haber and ver.
Example: "She has seen the rain." Habia visto la lluvia.
yo: había visto
tú: habías visto
él/ella/usted: había visto
nosotros/-as: habíamos visto
vosotros/ -as: habí ais visto
ellos/ellas/ustedes: habí an visto
4, Ver's compound conditional modification. If you want to express the action of seeing in the future for the past, you can use the compound conditional expression. The compound conditional expression consists of haber's simple conditional modification and ver's past participle.
Example: "If we had gone out, we would have seen the rain." Habríamos visto la lluvia si salimos afuera.
yo: habría visto
tú: habrías visto
él/ella/usted: habría visto
nosotros/ -as: habrí amos Visto
vosotros/-as: habrí ais Visto
ellos/ellas/ustedes: habrí an Visto
5, the future perfect tense of Ver. The action of watching will be completed in the future. This tense consists of past participles of haber and ver with displacement.
Example: "If they go out, they will see rain." Ellas habrán visto la lluvia si iban afuera.
yo: habré visto
tú: habrás visto
él/ella/usted: habrá visto
nosotros/ -as: habremos Visto
vosotros/-as: habré is Visto
ellos/ellas/ustedes: habrá n Visto
Method 5: Verb subjunctive modification in the perfect tense
1. Verb subjunctive modification in the present perfect tense. The speaker is skeptical or negative about whether the action of watching has happened in the past. This tense is a compound tense, which consists of a modified form of haber and a past participle of ver.
Example: "I don't know whether they have met." " Dudo que ellos se hayan visto.
yo: haya visto
tú: hayas visto
él/ella/usted: haya visto
nosotros/-as: hayamos visto
vosotros/ -as: hayá is Visto
ellos/ellas/ustedes: hayan Visto
2. The subjunctive past perfect tense displacement of Ver. Emphasize that the speaker is skeptical or negative about whether the action of watching occurred at some point in the past. This tense is a compound tense, which consists of a modified form of haber and a past participle of ver.
Example: "I don't know whether they have met before." Dudo que ellos se hubieran visto.
yo: hubiera visto
tú: hubieras visto
él/ella/usted: hubiera visto
nosotros/ -as: hubié ramos Visto
vosotros/-as: hubiera is Visto
ellos/ellas/ustedes: hubieran Visto
3, Ver's subjunctive future perfect tense displacement. The speaker doubts whether the action of watching will happen in the future. This tense is a compound tense, which consists of a modified form of haber and a past participle of ver.
Example: "If they don't leave at the same time, they may not see each other." Dudo que ellos se hubieren visto si salían en diferentes momentos.
yo: hubiere visto
tú: hubieres visto
él/ella/usted: hubiere visto
nosotros/-as: hubiéremos visto