Vampire knights (well, these are very handsome)
Image address:/291200549/pic/item/6ec403037b 9064fb267b541.jpg.
Dragon and tiger (well, cute, but really handsome)
Picture address:
/cc % BC % A7/pic/item/aad 1b 3 17a 93b 4639972 b 439 e . jpg
/cc % BC % A7/pic/item/40b 9 18ed 16 F8 DBF 02 f2e 2 19e . jpg
Riding a thousand (super handsome, with some GL and H ingredients)
Picture address:
/% D7 % CF % EC % e 1% BB % EA/pic/item/0438660 1687 149 a 1e 950 CD c8 . jpg