Working energy: rounding
Usage: double ceil (double x);
Function Name: Floor
Working energy: rounding down
Usage: double floor (double X);
In addition, (int) (expression) rounds down the result of [expression].
Here's an example:
# include & ltstdio.h & gt
# include & ltmath.h & gt
int main(void){
int x = 1 1;
int y=0,z = 0;
Double a= 12.69, b=0.0, c = 0.0.
y = x/3;
z =(int)a;
B = floor (a);
c = ceil(a);
printf("\n \t y = %d \n ",y); // y = 3
printf("\n \t z = %d \n ",z); // z = 12
printf("\n \t b = %5.2lf ",b); // b = 13.00
printf("\n \t c = %5.2lf ",c); // c = 12.00
Returns 0;