Trees and varieties with many flowers, few fruit sets and serious flower and fruit drop should leave more flower buds when pruning; Trees and varieties with light flower and fruit drop and high fruit setting rate can appropriately reduce the amount of flower buds when pruning. According to the experience of apple producing areas in Bohai Bay, under normal years and general cultivation and management conditions, it is appropriate to control the number of flower buds per 100 cubic meter of apple trees in full fruit period, that is, the average number of flower buds per cubic meter of apple trees is about 15; The ratio of flower buds to leaf buds is about 1∶3. Based on the yield of 22,500 ~ 30,000 kg per hectare, if the ratio of branches to fruits is 5∶ 1 fruit left, the branch rate can still reach over 30% in the second year, and enough flower buds can continue to be formed.
For young fruit trees, it is necessary to bear fruit early and form a solid skeleton to prevent excessive fruit and premature aging. Therefore, when pruning young trees, we should not only pay attention to the results, but also pay attention to shaping, and neither of them can be neglected; After entering the full fruit stage, the crown width and height of the big tree have been basically stable, and the plastic work has been completed, mainly to maintain stable and high yield. Therefore, the number of flower buds should be determined according to the ratio of flower buds to leaf buds when pruning. When there are no natural disasters, such as low temperature and rainy days, strong winds and hail, it is advisable to leave fewer buds. In this way, although the number of fruits may be less, the quality of fruits will be obviously improved and the economic benefits will not be reduced.
When determining the number of flower buds, we should also consider the strength of tree potential. Trees with vigorous growth can leave more flower buds appropriately to alleviate the growth of trees; The weak trees should leave fewer flower buds in order to rejuvenate the trees and prolong the fruiting period; Gardens with deep and fertile soil, sufficient fertilizer and water supply and high management level can appropriately leave more flower buds, otherwise they should leave less flowers; Trees that bear fruit in big and small years, stay in big years and stay in small years.
In addition to pruning, we should strengthen the comprehensive management of soil, fertilizer and water, cooperate with thinning flowers and fruits, effectively prevent and overcome the phenomenon of fruit hanging in different years, and strive for high quality and high yield every year.