What is real data?
Question1:What is real data in C language? Real data in C language refers to numbers with decimals.

For example: 1.23, 87.225, etc.

According to the precision, real data can be divided into single precision real data, double precision real data and long double precision real data.

Question 2: What is real data in C language? For example! Actually! C is the same as math! The so-called real type! Is the number of everything, including rational numbers and irrational numbers ... Integers such as1.222221.2451and including 1.23 1.23454 are also real numbers, although numbers like 1.2344 are integers! But they have real characteristics! It's like 1 is a natural number, but it's also an odd number and a positive integer ... as long as you think of something that conforms to this property! It belongs to everyone! So: 1. 1525 25 35 Even the time root number 2 is a real number! You should understand! ! ! Ha ha! ! ! I told you to study math! Now you know! !

Question 3: What is the relationship between real data and floating-point data in C language? It should be an inclusion relationship. Real data includes floating-point data and double-precision floating-point data.

Question 4: What is the real data? Real data actually represents the numerical values with decimals in our lives. A real number whose value cannot be changed during the running of a program is called a real constant. Real constants are also called floating-point numbers in C language. There are two representations of real constants:

1, decimal form. This form of number consists of an integer part, a decimal point and a decimal part. Such as: 1.24, 0.345, .222, 234.0, 333. 0.0, etc.

2. Exponential form. This form is used to represent some relatively large values, such as 123x 1022 in life. This form also consists of three parts, namely, the real part, the letter E or E and the integer part. The image 123x 1022 can be expressed as 123E22 or 123e22. Note that the letter e or e must be preceded by a number and followed by an integer.

Question 5: The difference between integer data and real data. Integer data is an integer.

Real data is decimal, or floating point number, like float, double.

Question 6: What is the real variable float countdata?

That's it.

Question 7: Which data types are handled by real types in basic data types, that is, floating-point types, including float and double, are used to represent real numbers. Compared with integer type, this type can represent numerical values with decimal parts.

Question 8: Why is the real data in C language also called floating-point data? Does real type refer to real numbers other than integers? Real variables are divided into three categories: single precision (floating point type), double precision (double precision type) and long double precision (long double precision type).

a = 33333.33333b = 33333.33333333333333

Because a is a single-precision floating-point type, there are only seven significant digits. Moreover, the integer has occupied five places, so the two decimal places are invalid.

B is a double-precision type with 16 significant bits. However, VC6.0 stipulates that at most six digits are reserved after the decimal point, and the rest are rounded off.

Note: Real constants are treated as double precision double, whether it is single precision or double precision.

In C language, real number type and floating number type actually mean the same thing.

Question 9: What is real data in C language? Integer can be understood as integer. Integer variables have no decimal point, while real variables have decimal point. It is not that real types contain integers, but that real types and integers are different types and stored in different ways in memory.

For example, 5 is an integer constant and 5.0 is a real constant.

Question 10: What do you mean by integer, real and character? Integer is an integer, which is divided into long shaping and short shaping, with 32 bits and 16 bits respectively. Dan showed different ranges of figures. If it is an unsigned integer, it can only represent positive integers. A signed integer that can represent positive and negative integers.

The real type is actually a floating-point number, which is divided into single-precision floating-point number and double-precision floating-point number, which are 32 bits and 64 bits long respectively. Represents different ranges of numbers.

The character type is an 8-bit integer. If it is an unsigned character type, it can only represent positive integers between 0 and 255. Signed integer, which can represent positive and negative integers between-128 and 127. ASCII characters can be represented by character types.