Of course pregnant women can eat kelp, because kelp also has a lot of nutrients. For example, the calcium in kelp is 10 times that of milk, and the phosphorus content in kelp is also very high. 1. Can pregnant women eat kelp?
Of course pregnant women can eat kelp, because kelp also has a lot of nutrients. For example, the calcium in kelp is 10 times that of milk, and the mud content in kelp is also very high. Kelp contains various trace elements needed by the human body. If pregnant women eat more, it can also make the body more comfortable. But we need to know that there are many points in kelp that may enter the placenta after entering the blood. If we eat too much, it will also cause the fetus to be affected to a certain extent. Therefore, the amount of kelp that pregnant women should eat every day Cannot exceed 20 grams. If you eat too much, it will cause the child's thyroid gland to develop disorders, become swollen, and may cause breathing difficulties. Therefore, the editor also recommends that you eat some kelp in moderation. 2. Things to note when eating kelp.
Because kelp itself is already very salty, there is no need to add too much salt. When cooking kelp, it is best to use a small amount of kelp together with tofu and eggs to make kelp soup. This will also help the health of pregnant women. However, pregnant women can only drink kelp soup like this once or twice a week, otherwise it will have a certain impact on the body. After pregnancy, pregnant women can eat many things, but they must be in moderation. 3. Summary.
In fact, there are no foods that pregnant women should avoid, except that they will directly have a certain impact on the child and the mother itself. We can usually eat these foods once in a while, but if they are excessive, they will definitely cause certain harm to the body. And now due to industrial pollution, seawater is also polluted, so if you eat kelp, you may also consume too much heavy metals.