The picture shows the Meliaceae plant, Chukrasia tabularis, whose scientific name is Chukrasia tabularis
A tree up to 25 meters high; the bark of the old stems is split longitudinally, and the young branches are russet, hairless, with pale bark. hole. The leaves are usually even-numbered pinnate compound leaves, 30-50 cm long, hairless, with 10-16 leaflets; the petioles are round and cylindrical, 4.5-7 cm long; the leaflets are alternate, papery, ovate to oblong-lanceolate. , 7-12 cm long, 3-5 cm wide, apex acuminate, base rounded, off-shaped, oblique, lower side often shorter than upper side, both sides hairless or nearly hairless, lateral veins 10-10 on each side 15, bifurcated at the edge, with slightly prominent lateral veins on the back; small petiole 4-8 mm long. The panicle is terminal, about half as long as the leaves, sparse, with a short total pedicel, and the branches are hairless or nearly hairless; the bracts are linear and fall early; the flowers are about 1.2-1.5 cm long, fragrant; the pedicel is short, Segmented; calyx is shallow cup-shaped, about 2 mm high, with short and blunt teeth, and the outside is covered with very short pubescence; the petals are yellow or slightly purple, oblong, 1.2-1.5 cm long, and are sparsely covered above the middle part of the outside. pubescent; stamen tube cylindrical, glabrous, apex subtruncate, anthers 10, oval, inserted near the top of the tube; ovary stalked, slightly covered with short bristles, style cylindrical , hairy, stigma capitate, about the same height as the anthers. Capsule is gray-yellow or brown, nearly spherical or oval, 4.5 cm long, 3.5-4 cm wide, with a small convex tip at the top, hairless, rough surface with small light brown warts; seeds are flat, oval, 5 in diameter mm, with membranous wings, 1.2-2 cm long with wings.
The wood is yellow-brown or russet, fragrant, hard, shiny, easy to process, and corrosion-resistant. It is a good material for construction, shipbuilding, furniture, etc.