# include & ltiomanip & gt// Don't forget to include this header file.
Use namespace std
int main()
int a;
Cout < < "Enter a:";
CIN & gt; & gta;
cout & lt& lt" dec:" & lt; & ltdec & lt& lta & lt& ltendl? //Output integers in decimal form
cout & lt& lt" hex:" & lt; & lt hexadecimal & lt& lta<& ltendl? //Output the integer a in hexadecimal form.
cout & lt& lt" oct:" & lt; & ltset base(8)& lt; & lta & lt& ltendl? //Output the integer a in octal form?
Char *pt= "China"; ? //pt points to the string "China"?
cout & lt& ltsetw( 10)& lt; & ltpt & lt& ltendl? //Specify the domain width as, and output the string?
cout & lt& ltset fill(' * ')& lt; & ltsetw( 10)& lt; & ltpt & lt& ltendl? //Specify the field width, output the string, and fill the spaces with' *'?
Bipi = 22.0/7.0; ? //Calculate the value of pi?
//Output in exponential form, with 8 decimal places?
cout & lt& ltsetios flags(IOs::scientific)& lt; < set accuracy (8); ?
cout & lt& lt" pi = " & lt& ltpi & lt& ltendl? //output pi value?
cout & lt& lt" pi = " & lt& ltsetprecision(4)& ltpi & lt& ltendl? //Change to decimal places?
cout & lt& lt" pi = " & lt& ltsetios flags(IOs::fixed)& lt; & ltpi & lt& ltendl? //Output in decimal form instead?
Returns 0;
Extended data
# Contains? & ltcstdio & gt//? In C and some ancient C++, it is STDIO. H. The new standard is to make a standard library.
//? The header file of is different from the user header file, so it is recommended not to use the extension.
//? For the original C library, C should be added in front of the header file name without using the extension.
Class? My outflow
const? My outflow & Operator? & lt& lt? (int? value)const; //Overloading of integer variables
const? My outflow & Operator? & lt& lt? (char*? str)const; //Overloading of string type
const? My outflow & My outbound:: operator? & lt& lt(int? Value) constant
Printf("%d ",value);
return*? This; //Pay attention to this return. ...
const? My outflow & My outbound:: operator? & lt& lt(char*? Str) constant
printf("%s ",str);
return*? This; //Again, please pay attention here. ...
My outflow? Myout//myout, a global object that can serve us anytime and anywhere.
int? Master ()
int? A=2003;
char*? MyStr= "Hello, world!" ;
I'm going out? & lt& lt? myStr? & lt& lt? ”\ n”;
Return? 0;
Baidu encyclopedia counting function