Pay attention to the depth and soil volume, and the whole place should support the bottom of the plow to the deepest point. In order to dig deep without crushing the seedlings, you can use a small plow and follow the principle of "no soil cultivation everywhere, little soil cultivation everywhere, and big ridges everywhere". The depth of intertillage should be shallow beside the seedlings and deep between rows.
At the same time of intertillage weeding, chemical weeding can be assisted to prevent grass shortage at seedling stage. Chemical weeding requires strict selection of herbicides and accurate control of dosage. At the 3rd-5th leaf stage of maize, spray 50% acetochlor EC 1.2 l/ha or 33% herbicide EC 1.5 l/ha with 600-750 kg of water on the surface between rows. At the 4-6 leaf stage of corn, 40% atrazine gum suspension 2.25 L/ha ~ 3.0 L/ha, or 72% 2,4- butyl ester 0.9 L/ha ~ 1.2 L/ha, and 80% caojingjing wettable powder 1.5 kg/ha can be used. Atrazine is 4.5 kg/ha, and 600 kg ~ 750 kg of water is added for directional spraying. Attention should be paid to the protective cover on the nozzle during operation to avoid the harm of corn heart leaves and pay attention to personal safety.