The above expression "de" is the possessive form of possessive pronouns in English grammar.
English pronouns expressing all relations are called possessive pronouns, which are also called possessive pronouns of personal pronouns. Possessive pronouns can be divided into adjective possessive pronouns and noun possessive pronouns. Changes in the number of personal and possessive pronouns. The possessive pronoun of the third person singular and the change of gender. Possessive pronouns have both the function of expressing ownership and the function of reference.
Extended data
In order to avoid the repeated use of nouns, sometimes the form of "adjective subject pronoun+noun" can be replaced by "noun subject pronoun".
The syntactic function of nominal possessive pronouns;
1 as the subject
May I use your pen? Your effect is better.
May I use your pen? Your pen works better than mine.
2. As an object
For example, I love my mother as much as you love you.
I love my motherland as much as you love your motherland.
3. As a prepositional object
For example: Your dog is sick and I am worried? About what? Mine.
Your dog is ill, and I'm worried about my dog.