To exercise the upper lip muscles, you can use your thumb and index finger to hold the upper orbicularis oris muscle and push it to the side of the nose and the zygomatic area, and then push it back and forth along the nasolabial groove or the corner of the mouth toward the zygomatic area. Then use your thumb or index finger and middle finger to massage the cheekbone or push and pull in the direction of the muscles. Exercise twice a day for ten minutes each time.
The superior labialis muscle, also known as the quadratus labialis superioris, originates from the maxilla above the infraorbital foramen and at the infraorbital edge, where it is located deep in the orbicularis oculi muscle. Some of the muscle fibers of the levator labii superioris go down into the lateral skin of the upper lip, and other fibers intertwine with the fibers of the orbicularis oris muscle.