Next, let's look at other differences between fine and well:
1. Different parts of speech: fine is an adjective, indicating that the state is good and very good; Well is an adverb which means physical or mental health.
-The cake looks good. ?
The cake looks good.
-I feel great today. ?
I feel very good today.
2. Syntactic usage is different: fine is used to describe the state of things or express satisfaction with something; Well is used to describe people's condition, psychological state or to express praise for someone/something.
The painting looks good after being repaired. ?
The restored painting looks great.
-She did well in the exam. ?
She did well in the exam.
3. Different meanings: fine can mean fine or punishment, but well can't.
-He had to pay a fine for parking in the wrong place. ?
He was fined for parking improperly.
4. Grammatical usage is different: health can only be described by well.
She did well in the treatment. ?
She treated very well.
-My father is not feeling well today. ?
My father is not feeling well today.
5. Different meanings: fine sometimes means "fine, not bad", and well means in good physical or mental condition.
-That's good. We can meet at 5:00. ?
Yes, I'll see you at five.
-I'm doing well in my new job. ?
I'm doing well in my new job.
6. Different usages: phrases beginning with well can express physical state, opinions, behaviors, etc. Phrases that begin with fine usually involve feelings, judgments, emotions and so on.
I think we should go ahead with the plan. ?
I think we should stick to the plan.
-Okay, but I still think we can do better. ?
Ok, but I still think we can do better.