1946-1948: Enrico de Nicola, Enrico de Nicola (1877- 1959)
1948-1955: Luigi Einaudi luigi einaudi (1874- 196 1)
1955-1962: Giovanni Grange, giovanni gronchi (1887- 1978).
1962-1964: Antonio Segni antonio segni (189 1- 1972)
1964-197 1 year: Giuseppe Saragat, giuseppe saragat (1898- 1988).
197 1 year-1978: Giovanni Leon, Giovanni Leon (1908-200 1).
1978-1985: Alessandro Pertini, Alessandro Pertini (1896- 1990)
1985-1992: francesco cossiga, francesco cossiga (born in 1928)
Oscar luigi scalfaro oscar luigi scalfaro (born in 19 18).
1999 -2006: carlo azeglio ciampi, carlo azeglio ciampi (born in 1920)
2006-present: giorgio napolitano
Successive prime ministers
1945.06.21-1945.12.08 ferruccio Parry.
1945.12.10-1946.07.01Alcide De Gasperi.
1946.07.13-1947.01.28 Alcide De Gasperi Alcide De Gasperi (second time)
1947.02.02-1947.05.31Alcide De Gasperi Alcide Degasperi (for the third time)
1947.05.31-1948.05.23 Alcide De Gasperi, Alcide De Gasperi (the fourth time)
1948.05.23-1950.01.14 Degasperi, Alcide, Alcide De Gasperi (the fifth time).
1950.01.27-1951.07.19 Degasperi, Alcide, Alcide De Gasperi (sixth time)
1951.07.26-1953.07.07 Alcide De Gasperi, Alcide De Gasperi (the seventh time)
1953.07.16-1953.0802 Alcide De Gasperi Alcide Degasperi (eighth time).
1953.0817-1954.438+0.12 Giuseppe Pella, Giuseppe Pella
1954.05438+0.18-1954.02.08 Amintore Fanfani Amintore Fanfani
Mario Scelba, Mario Scelba.
Antonio segni, antonio segni
Daunizeau, Adone Zoli
1958.07.01-1959.02.15 Amintore Fanfani, Amintore Fanfani (the second time).
Antonio Segni antonio segni (second time)
Fernando tambroni, fernando tambroni
1960.07.26-1962.02.21Amintore Fanfani, Amintore Fanfani (the third time)
1962.02.21-1963.06.21Amintore Fanfani, Amintore Fanfani (the fourth time)
Giovanni Leon of giovanni leone
Aldo Moro Aldomoro
Aldo moro Aldo Moro (second time)
Aldo moro Aldo Moro (third time)
1968.06.24-1968.12.12 giovanni leone giovanni Leon (second time)
Mariano rumor, Mariano rumor
1969.08.05-1970.03.27 mariano rumor, mariano rumor (second time)
1970.03.27-1970.08.06 mariano rumor, Mariano rumor (the third time)
Emilio Colombo emilio colombo1970.08.06-1972.02.17.
Giulio andreotti giulio andreotti
1972.07.26-1973.07.07 giulio andreotti, giulio andreotti (the second time)
1973.07.07-1974.03.14 mariano rumor, mariano rumor (the fourth time)
1974.03.14-1974.11.23 mariano rumor, mariano rumor (the fifth time)
1974.11.23-1976.02.12 Aldo Moro, aldo moro (the fourth time)
1976.02.12-1976.07.29 aldo moro Aldo Moro (the fifth time)
1976.07.29-1978.03.11giulio andreotti, giulio andreotti (for the third time)
1978.03.11979.03.20 giulio andreotti, giulio andreotti (the fourth time)
Giulio andreotti giulio andreotti (fifth time)
Francesco cossiga, francesco cossiga
Francesco cossiga, Francisco Cossiga (second time)
Arnaldo forlani arnaldo forlani
1981.06.28-1982.08.23 Giovanni Spadolini, Giovanni Spadolini.
1982.08.23-1982.12.01Giovanni Spadolini, Giovanni Spadolini (second time)
1982.12.01-1983.08.04 Amintore Fanfani, Amintore Fanfani (the fifth time)
1983.08.04-1986.08.05438+0 bettino craxi, bettino craxi
1986.08.01-1987.04.17 bettino craxi, bettino craxi (second time)
1987.04.17-1987.07.28 Amintore Fanfani, Amintore Fanfani (the sixth time)
Giovanni goria, giovanni goria
Ciriaco De Mita Ciriaco Detami
1989.07.22-1991.04.12 giulio andreotti, giulio andreotti (the sixth time)
1991.04.12-1992.04.24 giulio andreotti, giulio andreotti (the seventh time)
Giuliano amato giuliano amato
Carlo azeglio ciampi carlo azeglio ciampi 1993.04.28
Silvio Berlusconi
Lamberto dini, lamberto dini
Romano Prodi
1998.10.21-1999.12.22 massimo D'Alema, massimo D'Alema.
Massimo d'alema, massimo d'alema (second time)
Giuliano amato, giuliano amato (second time)
20065438+0.06.1-2005.04.23 silvio berlusconi, silvio berlusconi (the second time)
April 23rd, 2005-silvio berlusconi, silvio berlusconi (the third time).