The advantages of the enhanced for loop are mainly embodied in the collection, just give an example.
Such as the traversal of a set.
General iterative traversal:
Set< string & gtset = new HashSet & lt string & gt ();
Iterator & lt string & gtit = set.iterator ();
while (it.hasNext()) {
string str = it . next();
system . out . println(str);
For loop traversal:
for (String str : set) {
system . out . println(str);
Is it simpler?
The advantage also lies in generics. If the object is stored in a collection.
Set< object & gt set = new hashset & lt object & gt ();
For loop traversal:
For (object object: set) (
if(obj instanceof Integer){
int aa =(Integer)obj;
}else if(obj instanceof String){
String aa = (string) obj
The only drawback is that the collection itself cannot be manipulated when traversing the collection.
for (String str : set) {
set . remove(str); //Error!