The advantage is that a professor at the University of Kansas called 169 college students and divided them into three groups. One group had no expression, and the other group had only raised corners of the mouth and smiling eyebrows. The laughter of the last two groups is actually with the help of props. Then, he is setting the same pressure environment for three groups of people and observing their reactions. Shockingly, only the group with the corners of the mouth raised and the group with eyebrows and eyes laughing together had much lower stress index and heartbeat than the group without expression. This proves that even a fake smile can produce a hormone called endorphin.
Disadvantages: If you work, you may have fake smile syndrome for a long time. Although it seems that he is smiling, in fact, he has been trying to smile, and when he is serious, he will feel regret, injustice, anger and even depression! The cause of this disease may be overload or pressure from friends and relatives around. So they often wear smiles that are completely different from their hearts. People suffering from this disease are mainly concentrated in employees, office workers and artists in the emotional service industry. This syndrome may also lead to cold, insomnia, headache and other symptoms. He will make patients uninterested in everything, and when depression gets worse, patients may commit suicide! ! ! ! ! How to prevent it? .........................................................................................................................................................................!