The shape of breasts can vary greatly due to factors such as race, genetics, age, breastfeeding, etc. The breasts of adult women in my country are generally hemispherical or conical, with basically symmetry on both sides. They may sag to a certain extent or become slightly flattened after breastfeeding. The breasts of older women often shrink, sag, and become softer. The central part of the breast is the nipple. Normal nipples are tubular or conical, symmetrical on both sides, and have a pink or brown surface. The diameter of the nipple is about 0 8 to 1 5 cm, and there are many small dimples on it, which are the openings of the lactiferous ducts. The darkly pigmented annular area of ??skin around the nipple is the areola. The diameter of the areola is about 3 to 4 cm, with different colors. It is rose red in adolescence, and the pigmentation deepens and becomes dark brown during pregnancy and lactation. The skin of the breast is thicker around the glands and thinner around the nipple and areola. Superficial veins under the skin can sometimes be seen through the skin.
The breasts are located in front of the pectoralis major muscles on both sides of the chest, and their position is also related to age, body shape and breast development. The breasts of adult women are generally located between the 2nd and 6th ribs on the chest, with the inner edge near the sternum and the outer edge reaching the front axillary line. When the breasts are enlarged, they can reach the mid-axillary line. The long and narrow part of the outer upper part of the breast forms the axillary tail of the breast and extends towards the armpit. The nipples of young women are generally located at the level of the 4th or 5th intercostal space, 1 cm outside the midclavicular line; the nipples of middle-aged women are located at the level of the 6th intercostal space, 1 to 2 cm outside the midclavicular line.
Since there are large individual differences in the shape and position of breasts, the development of female breasts is also affected by factors such as age and various physiological periods. Therefore, breast shapes that fall within the normal range should be avoided. and position as pathological, thus creating unnecessary ideological burden.