You can compare it with a technical point in C language:
Define a char in c? Array of type
Charles? A []? =? { 1,2,3,4,5};
If you use it like this? Short? b? =? * ((short *)a); a);
In this way, the first two characters 1 2 of the char array are converted into short plastic data: b = 513; ? 0x 20 1;
Ptr in assembly? Similar to this function,
Meaning of words in data area
Answer? db? 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
When using data,
mov? ax,? Words? ptr? a
The first two bytes in A will be read into ax as a data, and word indicates that the data area will
The variable a is treated as a word type in the same way:
Definition? dw? Answer? 0 102H
Moving? Al. Bytes? ptr? A, only one byte will be processed.
ptr? Provides you with a way to freely convert between different types of data.