Completion method of Huashan school task branch line 3
I chatted with Jia Rangshan and prepared four kinds of food and wine. Jia Rangshan said that the three senior brothers are very thoughtful and think about the position of the head of the family all day. Then I went to the suburb of Huashan (7, 23) to talk with Wu. Wu Shuo, he saw Tu arguing with the men in black in Huashan, and then they both went to Huashan. Then Wu Shuo Huashan may have an accident these days. So I went to Huashan Zhengqi Hall to talk to Lu Pingchuan. I learned that the body of a Huashan disciple was found in the pavilion, so I asked you to help me find the real murderer.
After agreeing, I went to the pavilion (38, 16) to examine the body and found that the murderer used a knife. So, I asked Si Manan of Qingyi Building in Luoyang to find a way to kill him with one blow, and asked Si Manan for help. There are two options. You can choose the killer task to kill Shaolin Kongchan Master (minus 20 good and evil points and 15 sect goodwill), or you can choose Songshan Palm to learn a book in Songshan. After completing the task, I asked Si Manan and learned that only the black cow of Twelve Dark Guards is good at this kind of knife. Then I told you that this man has a good hand. So I found the fighting black cow in Penglai Inn on the outskirts of Huashan, and gave it to Lu Pingchuan. Then Lu Pingchuan asked you to go to Cangzhou Table to find the interrogation tips, and then interrogated the black cow in Huashan Piandian. As a result, he found that the black cow was killed and told Lu Pingchuan the situation.
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