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What are the side effects of liposuction on the body?

Liposuction is harmful to the body. The explanation is as follows:

1. Excessive negative pressure causes nerve damage

The size of the negative pressure determines the speed of liposuction. The greater the negative pressure, the faster the liposuction, but it is harmful to the human body. The damage is also greater. Therefore, regular hospitals usually only use negative 1 atmosphere of pressure, while in some informal institutions, in order to shorten the operation time, the pressure is increased, which may cause nerve damage to the surgeon.

2. Causes skin laxity

After liposuction, skin laxity is inevitable. However, for those under the age of 40, the skin itself has good elasticity and can slowly adjust and repair itself. As people age or are overweight, the elasticity of the skin decreases. After liposuction, it is best to do a skin wall plastic surgery (i.e. facelift surgery) to cut off the excess skin and make the skin smooth.

3. Cause other diseases in the human body

For people with weak constitution or poor internal organ tolerance, because there is no obvious disease, if there is insufficient communication before liposuction, or the doctor is negligent, Carelessness can easily lead to other illnesses. For example, if the heart cannot bear enough, surgery may result in poor blood supply, which may lead to shock, and in severe cases, death.

4. Numbness occurs in the human body

The main nerves of the human body are in the muscles, and the peripheral blood vessels and nerves are mainly in the fat. After liposuction, the body will experience numbness due to the destruction of peripheral nerves, which usually recovers in about half a year. But don’t think that liposuction is absolutely safe. Liposuction must be within the body’s tolerance. The more liposuction, the higher the risk. Generally, the volume of liposuction at one time is 2000-5000ml, and those with weak constitution or older age should control the volume to about 3500ml.

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