Four years after installing dentures (3 teeth), one original tooth (one of the fixed dentures) was found to be necrotic. What should I do?
In this case, you should be missing a tooth and have a fixed bridge, that is, you have worn off two adjacent teeth and made a porcelain bridge together. Now one abutment is loose. In this case, I suggest you take out the restoration as soon as possible, and then see if the tooth can be saved. If not, pull it out and wait for the wound to grow before making false teeth. In this case, you can have three kinds of dentures: movable. I won't talk about the conditions and benefits of various methods. See a doctor, and he will tell you. If the teeth are in good condition, take out the false teeth and make a new one after root canal treatment. In addition, a person has only two teeth in his life, a pair of deciduous teeth and a pair of permanent teeth. At the age of 20, every tooth will not grow back when it is lost. Take good care of it. You'd better pull out your original denture as soon as possible, because the two teeth next to him are connected by a fixed bridge. If one is loose, it will affect the other.