Verilog HDL and VHDL are the two most popular hardware description languages in the world, both of which were developed in the mid-1980s. The former was developed by Gateway Design Automation Company (which was acquired by Cadence Company in 1989). Both HDL are IEEE standards.
Designers can design digital circuits and their products conveniently and efficiently by simulating and synthesizing the logic of HDL language by computer.
Commonly used Verilog HDL language development software includes MAX+PLUS II of Altera Company, Quartus II of Xilinx Company and Foundation ISE.
Development history of Verlog HDL
GDA Hardware Description Language Company was founded in 1, 198 1.
2. 1983, Philip Moorby of this company initiated Verilog HDL, and Moorby later became the main designer of Verrlog HDL-XL and the first partner of Cadence Company.
3.Moorby designed the first simulator about Verilog HDL in 1984- 1985.
4. 1986 Moorby has made a great contribution to the development of Verilog HDL, and proposed XL algorithm for fast gate-level simulation.
5. With the success of Verilog HDL-XL, Verilog HDL language has developed rapidly.
6. 1987 Synonsys Company began to use Verilog HDL behavioral language as the input of comprehensive tools.
7. 1989, Cadence acquired Gateway company, and Verilog HDL became the private property of Cadence company.
8. At the beginning of1990, Cadence Company separated Verilog HDL from Verilong HDL-XL and released Verilog HDL publicly. Subsequently, Ovi (Open Verilog HDL International) was established to be responsible for the development of Verilog HDL. Ovi is composed of Verilog HDL users and CAE suppliers, and has established standards.
9. 1993, almost all ASIC manufacturers began to support Verilog HDL, and thought Verilog HDL-XL was the best emulator. At the same time, OVI released version 2.0 of Verilong HDL specification, and IEEE accepted the proposal of taking Verilong HDL2.0 of OVI as IEEE standard.
10,19951995 In February, IEEE formulated the standard IEEE 1364- 1995 for Verilong HDL.