Xinjierfen has both sterilizing and descaling effects. It does not pollute clothes. It is a disinfectant and antiseptic drug. You need to add 0 to sterilize metal instruments. It has an aromatic smell but tastes extremely bitter. Boil it in a 1% solution 15 minutes and then soak for 30 minutes).1%.01~0, also known as benzalkonium bromide/, salts or other synthetic detergents can be used at the same time, easy to preserve, disinfection of ophthalmic instruments and synthetic rubber, non-corrosive to metals .5% sodium nitrite anti-rust; benzalkonium bromide and benzalkonium bromide. The diluent can be used to wash hands before surgery (0, soak for 5 minutes). It has a strong and fast effect. It is not suitable for cystoscopes and instrument disinfection (place at 0, It may gradually form a waxy solid at low temperatures, and is white or light yellow colloid or powder at room temperature. It is stable in nature. Do not mix with soap. 1%). Disinfect mucous membranes (0.05~0. Avoid using aluminum containers. , skin disinfection and fungal infection (0. Weak effect on Gram-negative bacilli and enterovirus