When this treatment technique was applied, it was immediately favored by Hollywood movie stars, who flew from Los Angeles to Dr. Pitt's clinic in San Francisco to receive this magical treatment. Of course, they also gave this therapy a very interesting name: photo rejuvenation, which means to rejuvenate the skin with light. Having said that, it doesn't mean that it has the power of rejuvenation, but it shows that this photon rejuvenation technology is extraordinary in this way.
Generally speaking, photon rejuvenation is actually a kind of cosmetic treatment for the skin by using pulsed intense light, which can eliminate/dilute all kinds of spots on the skin, enhance skin elasticity, eliminate fine wrinkles, improve facial telangiectasia, improve facial pores and rough skin, and also improve yellow skin color. At present, the smooth surface restoration photothermal technology upgraded by IPL has the functions of repair, maintenance and treatment, and the later effect is lasting.