Generally speaking, as long as the operation is successful, there will be no harm. If the operation fails, the following situations may occur:
1. Exposed prosthesis: after breast augmentation, Improper operation during the operation, excessive tension, skin necrosis and peeling, contusion of the incision edge during the operation, and too thin covering affecting circulation can cause the artificial breast to be exposed. The incidence of exposure may increase if implanted in a traumatized location.
2. Artificial breast rupture: This has a low incidence rate among the hazards of breast augmentation with prostheses. Not all artificial breasts can last a lifetime. Ruptured artificial breasts usually need to be removed and replaced. However, artificial breasts have hidden rupture. , can be asymptomatic. Breast enlargement patients should have regular check-ups to detect ruptured artificial breasts early.
3. Infection: Redness, swelling, heat, and pain are the main manifestations of the harm of breast augmentation prostheses. They can occur soon after surgery or at any period after surgery. If there are no systemic symptoms, it can be subacute or chronic. The infection is difficult to diagnose, and if symptoms do not subside in time with appropriate treatment, removal of the artificial breast is recommended.
4. Capsule formation and contracture: The formation of a capsule around the prosthesis after breast augmentation surgery is a normal physiological response of the body to the implantation of foreign bodies into soft tissue. Capsule formation occurs to varying degrees in all patients and can be very thin or very thick, depending on the individual.
5. Asymmetry and sagging: Asymmetry is caused by the following reasons; incorrect selection of prosthesis shape and size, shell surgical technique, capsular contracture, hematoma, seroma, prosthesis rupture, and thoracic asymmetry , the posterior pectoral muscles and breast tissue are asymmetrical. Breast augmentation can also cause sagging over time like natural breasts. This is also the answer to the question of the dangers of breast augmentation with implants, and this situation seriously affects the effect of breast augmentation surgery with implants. You must pay special attention to the dangers of this kind of breast augmentation implants.
6. Hematoma: Careful hemostasis is the key to preventing postoperative hematoma. Do not implant artificial breasts when bleeding is not controlled. If left untreated, huge hematoma, breast enlargement, tenderness, and tissue color changes may lead to exposure of the artificial breast and subsequent subsequent capsular contracture. This is the most serious of the hazards of breast implants.