The skeletal structure of the head is called skull, which is divided into two parts: skull and facial skull. The skull is located in the posterior upper part of the skull and consists of eight skulls, namely, one for frontal bone, occipital bone, ethmoid bone and sphenoid bone, and two for parietal bone and temporal bone. The facial skull is located in the anterior lower part of the skull, that is, in front of the ear under the eyebrow, and consists of 15 bones: one plow bone, one mandible, one hyoid bone, two maxillary bones, two nasal bones, two lacrimal gland bones, two zygomatic bones, two palatal bones and two inferior turbinates. They form the skeletal basis of the face.
Facial skin consists of epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous tissue. Epidermis is the outermost layer of skin, with a thickness of only 0? 1~0? 3 mm, from the outside to the inside, there are stratum corneum, transparent layer, granular layer, spinous cell layer and basal layer respectively.
Stratum corneum: The outermost layer of epidermis, consisting of several layers of keratinized flat cells. After aging, these cells fall off in pieces and form scales. Tough, has a certain protective effect on physical and chemical damage.
Spine cell layer: It consists of 4 ~ 8 layers of fish-scale cells, and the intercellular space is filled with lymph, which transports nutrients to the epidermis.
Basal layer: in the deepest part of epidermis, it is connected with dermis and consists of a row of columnar cells. Columnar cells often divide to replenish damaged stratum corneum cells and repair epidermal defects. There is melanin in columnar cells, which can resist the damage of ultraviolet rays to dermis.
The dermis is under the epidermis and contains more connective tissues, namely collagen fibers and elastic fibers. Both collagen fibers and elastic fibers have certain trends, thus forming skin texture. The dermis is tough and elastic. Because of its abundant nerve endings, it can feel all kinds of external stimuli such as cold, heat, pain and touch, which makes the body produce corresponding defense and regulate the functions of blood vessels and sweat glands. There are abundant blood vessels in the dermis, and hair follicles and sweat glands are also in the dermis.
Subcutaneous tissue is composed of loose connective tissue and fat, which mainly affects people's body shape.
Facial skin texture runs along the direction of facial skin texture, and it runs horizontally on the forehead; In the eyes, it is oval around the eyes; At the corner of the eye, the upper and lower parts are connected in a fishtail shape; The skin on the cheek is arranged in a semicircle from the lower edge of the orbit and runs in the direction of the mandible.
Facial muscles facial muscles are composed of expression muscles, muscles around the mouth, muscles around the eyes and muscles around the nose.
Expression muscles are muscles that form rich facial expressions. It is located in the superficial subcutaneous tissue, starting from the bone surface, ending in the skin, and surrounding the cracks in the eyes, mouth and nose. When muscles contract, wrinkles appear on the skin, changing the appearance and shape of eyes, mouth and nose to express love. A single, dull face will make the muscles and skin of a certain part in a state of excessive tension or relaxation for a long time, which is the reason why facial wrinkles appear prematurely.
Only the orbicularis oris muscle around the mouth is annular, and the others are radial, including levator labialis, zygomatic muscle, laughing muscle, descending oral muscle and buccal muscle.
The eye muscle is mainly orbicularis oculi muscle, and its muscle fibers arc outward from the inner corner of the eye to the corner of the eye, and the upper and lower fibers are intertwined. Long-term narrowing of eyes due to myopia is an important reason for the premature appearance of crow's feet. The muscles around the nose contract weakly, so it has little to do with facial beauty.
Facial nerve expression muscles are dominated by facial nerve.
Facial blood circulation has a certain effect on facial bodybuilding. The quality of blood circulation is the main factor to maintain the elasticity of facial skin and muscles. Massage should be carried out in the direction of blood vessels.
The external maxillary artery extends along the groove between the deep surface and the upper surface of the submandibular gland, reaches the face, passes through the cheek between the laughing muscle, zygomatic muscle, quadratus labialis muscle, buccal muscle and canine muscle, and divides the lower lip artery and the upper lip artery near the mouth corner. They run on the deep side of the red lip margin, anastomosing with the opposite artery of the same name, and forming a vascular ring around the oral fissure. In addition, in the application of massage, the peripheral vascular ring can generally be moved in a semicircle way to promote local blood circulation. The internal maxillary artery is located in the deep part of the face and branches in the temporomandibular joint.
Superficial temporal artery is the last branch outside the neck. Because its blood vessels run from bottom to top, the direction of force during massage is generally centripetal, that is, from top to bottom to promote blood circulation and reflux.
Facial veins run in muscles, and self-massage from forehead to cheek can promote facial blood circulation and accelerate facial venous blood return. When the infection occurs on the face, especially on both sides of the triangle from the corner of the mouth to the root of the nose, local massage should be avoided to avoid serious cavernous sinus thrombophlebitis.