Current location - Plastic Surgery and Aesthetics Network - Plastic surgery and medical aesthetics - Excuse me, what is the shortcut key for ps to convert a shape into a selection?
Excuse me, what is the shortcut key for ps to convert a shape into a selection?
PS commonly used shortcut keys are as follows, the most commonly used:

PS printing shortcut key -ctrl+p

PS common shortcut key -shift+alt+n

PS dissolution shortcut key -Shift+Alt+I

Shortcut keys after PS-Shift+Alt+Q.

PS clear shortcut key -shift+alt+r

PS screen shortcut -Shift+Alt+S

PS override shortcut key -Shift+Alt+O

PS soft light shortcut key -shift+alt+f

PS highlight shortcut key -Shift+Alt+H

PS color filter shortcut key -Shift+Alt+S

PS Dimming Shortcut -Shift+Alt+K

PS brightness shortcut key -Shift+Alt+G

PS difference shortcut key -shift+alt+e

PS exclude shortcut key -shift+alt+x

PS Tone Shortcut -Shift+Alt+U

PS color shortcut key -Shift+Alt+C

PS Photometric Shortcut -Shift+Alt+Y

PS achromatic shortcut key -Ctrl+Shift+U

PS reverse shortcut key -CTRL+I

PS threshold shortcut key -shift+alt+l

PS restriction shortcut key -Shift

PS twist shortcut key -ctrl

PS saturation shortcut key -Shift+Alt+T

Alignment shortcut key in PS -Ctrl+Shift+C

PS trackball shortcut key -R

Shortcut key of PS clipping tool-c.

PS mobile tool shortcut key -V

PS Magic Wand Tool Shortcut -W

PS airbrush tool shortcut key-j.

PS brush tool shortcut key -B

PS measurement tool shortcut key -u

Shortcut keys for PS gripper tool.

PS zoom tool shortcut key -Z

PS storage copy shortcut key -CTRL+ALT+S

PS Page Setup Shortcut -Ctrl+Shift+P

PS stack shortcut key -Shift+Alt+M

PS fade shortcut key -Shift+Alt+D

PS color deepening shortcut key -Shift+Alt+B

PS select all shortcut keys-ctrl+a.

PS deselect shortcut key -ctrl+d

PS reselect shortcut key-Ctrl+Shift+D.

PS Feather Selection Shortcut -CTRL+ALT+D

PS Reverse selection shortcut key -Ctrl+Shift+I

PS Enlarge View Shortcut -CTRL++ Key Combination

PS shortcut view shortcut -Ctrl+-

PS Close Grid Shortcut -Ctrl+Shift+ "

PS Merge Copy Shortcut -Ctrl+Shift+C

PS free conversion shortcut key -ctrl+t

PS shortcut key for adjusting color scale -CTRL+L

PS ungroup shortcut key -Ctrl+Shift+G

PS deflection shortcut key -ESC

Shortcut key for PS projection effect -CTRL+ 1

PS selection tool shortcut key -V

PS Sphere Tool Shortcut -N

PS cylinder tool shortcut key-c.

PS Full Map Adjustment Shortcut -CTRL+~

PS Eraser Tool Shortcut -E

PS Full Canvas Display Shortcut -CTRL+0

PS shortcut key for pasting reference lines-Ctrl+Shift+;

PS lock reference line shortcut key-ctrl+alt+;

PS shortcut key for moving the selected point-↑/↓/→

PS forward control point shortcut -CTRL+TAB

PS Backward Control Point Shortcut -Ctrl+Shift+Tab

PS Create a new gradient shortcut key-CTRL+N.

Keyboard shortcut for PS external luminous effect -CTRL+3

Keyboard shortcuts for lighting effects in PS-CTRL+4

Shortcut keys for shadow effects in PS-CTRL+2

PS Rubik's Cube Tool Shortcut -m

PS only adjusts the red shortcut key-Ctrl+1.

PS only adjusts the yellow shortcut key-CTRL+2.

PS only adjusts the green shortcut key-CTRL+3.

PS only adjusts the cyan shortcut key -CTRL+4.

PS only adjusts the blue shortcut key-CTRL+5.

PS only adjusts the magenta shortcut key -CTRL+6.

PS Add Anchor Tool Shortcut-+

PS Delete Anchor Tool Shortcut-

PS directly select tool shortcut key-a.

PS Cycle Select Brush Shortcut-[or]

PS can be opened by ... shortcut key-CTRL+ALT+O.

PS closes the shortcut key of the current image-CTRL+W.

PS save the current image shortcut key-ctrl+s.

Save PS as ... shortcut key-Ctrl+Shift+S.

PS display color channel shortcut key -CTRL+~

PS display monochrome channel shortcut key -ctrl+number

PS shows composite channel shortcut key-~

PS actual pixel display shortcut key -CTRL+ALT+0

PS Scroll Up Screen Shortcut-Page Up

PS Scroll down a screen shortcut-Page Down

PS Scroll to the left with a screen shortcut -Ctrl+PageUp.

PS Scroll to the right with a screen shortcut -CTRL+PAGE DOWN.

PS select all character shortcut keys-ctrl+a.

PS automatic color scale adjustment shortcut key -Ctrl+Shift+L

PS Merge Visible Layer Shortcut -Ctrl+Shift+E

PS activates the bottom shortcut key -Shift+Alt+[

PS activates the top-level shortcut key -Shift+Alt+]

PS application free conversion shortcut key -Enter

PS select color channel shortcut key -CTRL+~

PS Select the shortcut key of monochrome channel-CTRL+NUMBER.

PS panorama camera Tool Shortcut -E

Shortcuts for PS pencils and linear tools -n

PS Select the first brush shortcut -Shift+[

PS open the existing shortcut key of picture-Ctrl+O.

PS show/hide path shortcuts -Ctrl+Shift+H

PS show/hide ruler shortcut key -ctrl+r

PS Show/Hide Grid Shortcuts -CTRL+ "

PS Left or Up Alignment Shortcut -CTRL+SHIFT+L

PS Right Alignment or Bottom Alignment Shortcut -Ctrl+Shift+R

PS and the shortcut key of the upper level grouping -CTRL+G

PS activates the next layer of shortcut keys -ALT+[

PS activates the previous shortcut key -ALT+]

PS Bevel and Relief Effect Shortcut -CTRL+5

Select 1 line shortcut key -Shift+↑/↓ on PS.

PS move up/down 1 line shortcut-↑/↓

PS History Brush Tool Shortcut -Y

Shortcut keys for PS pipettes and color samplers -I

PS temporarily uses the shortcut key of mobile tools-CTRL.

PS temporarily use the shortcut key of color absorption tool -alt

PS temporarily use the shortcut key of the gripper tool -space.

PS Open Tool Options Panel Shortcut -Enter

PS Select the last brush shortcut -Shift+]

PS move view to the upper left corner shortcut key -home

PS Move the view to the lower right corner shortcut key -END

PS show/hide reference line shortcut key-ctrl+;

PS move left and right 1 word -CTRL+←/→

More than two-step PS restore shortcut -CTRL+ALT+Z

PS Redo Shortcut with More than Two Steps -Ctrl+Shift+Z

PS fills the shortcut key -Alt+Ctrl+ backspace from history.

PS moves the current layer down one layer -Ctrl+[

PS Move the current layer up with the shortcut key -CTRL+]

PS Set the shortcut key of "General" option-Ctrl+1

PS Set "Save File" shortcut key-CTRL+2

PS Quick Input Tool Option Shortcuts -0 to 9

PS Rectangular and Elliptical Box Selection Tool Shortcut -M

PS Rubber Stamp and Pattern Stamp Shortcut -S

PS default foreground and background color shortcut key -D

PS Shortcut to Switch Foreground and Background Colors -X

PS shortcut key -CTRL+K to open the preset dialog box.

PS gamut warning shortcut key -CTRL+SHIFT+Y

PS show/hide selection area shortcut -CTRL+H

PS shortens the line spacing by 2 pixels -ALT+↓

PS: Increase the shortcut key of line spacing by 2 pixels -ALT+Write.

PS Pop-up "Fill" dialog box shortcut key -Shift+ Backspace or shift+F5.

PS shortcut key to open the curve adjustment dialog box -CTRL+M

PS stamp or stamp connection layer shortcut -CTRL+ALT+E

PS Move the current layer to the bottom shortcut key -Ctrl+Shift+[

PS Move the current layer to the top shortcut key -CTRL+SHIFT+]

PS preview CMYK mode shortcut key-ctrl+y.

PS repeat the filter shortcut you made last time-CTRL+ALT+F.

PS Set the shortcut key of "Display and Cursor"-CTRL+3

PS Set "Units and Rulers" shortcut key -CTRL+5

PS Scroll up 10 unit shortcut key-Shift+Page Up.

PS scroll down 10 unit shortcut key -Shift+Page Down.

PS scroll left 10 unit shortcut key -Shift+Ctrl+Page Up.

PS scroll to the right 10 unit shortcut key -Shift+Ctrl+Page Down.

PS Left and Right Select 1 Character Shortcut -Shift+←/→

PS move 1 character left/right shortcut key-← /→

PS Blur, Sharpen and Smudge Tool Shortcut -R

PS Shortening, Deepening and Sponge Tool Shortcuts -O

PS creates a new file shortcut with default settings-CTRL+ALT+N.

PS Shortcut the selected image or path -Ctrl+X or F2.

PS copy the selected picture or path shortcut key-CTRL+C.

PS Create a new layer shortcut from the dialog box-Ctrl+Shift+N.

PS creates a layer shortcut by copying-ctrl+j.

PS creates a layer shortcut key by cutting-ctrl+shift+j.

PS Set the shortcut key of "Reference Line and Grid"-CTRL+6

PS Shortcut keys for adjusting the transparency of the current layer -0 to 9.

PS fades into the shortcut key of the last filter-Ctrl+Shift+F.

PS Show/Hide Shortcut Keys for Brush Panel -F5

PS Show/Hide Color Panel Shortcuts -F6

PS Show/Hide Layers Panel Shortcut -F7

PS Display/Hide Information Panel Shortcut -F8

PS Show/Hide Action Panel Shortcut -F9

PS Show/Hide All Command Panel Shortcuts -Tab

PS pixel shortcut key to reduce baseline shift by 2 points -Shift+Alt+↓

PS adds a 2-point pixel shortcut key on the basis of baseline shift-Shift+Alt+Write.

A shortcut key for PS to copy pixel data without conversion-Ctrl+Shift+T

PS shortcut key to open the Color Balance dialog box-CTRL+B

PS Shortcut to Merge Down or Merge Connected Layers -Ctrl+E

PS Keep the shortcut key of the transparent area of the current layer-/

PS Set "Transparent Area and Color Gamut" shortcut key-CTRL+4

PS change the shortcut key -alt from the center or symmetry point.

Shortcut keys for PS pen, free pen and magnetic pen -P

PS pastes the contents of the clipboard into the shortcut key-Ctrl+Shift+V.

PS Set the shortcut key of "Plug-ins and scratch disks"-CTRL+7.

PS Lasso, Polygon Lasso, Magnetic Lasso Shortcut -L

PS shortcut key for switching standard mode and quick mask mode -Q

PS shortcut key for opening hue/saturation dialog box-CTRL+U.

PS Create a new layer shortcut, the default option is-CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+N.

PS Set the shortcut key of "Memory and Picture Cache"-CTRL+8

PS Unchecks all shortcut keys -CTRL+D on the selected channel.

PS Paste the clipboard contents into the current drawing shortcut -Ctrl+V or F4.

PS Delete the pattern in the selected box or the shortcut key of the selected path -DEL

PS Applies the currently selected effect to make the parameters adjustable. Shortcut key-a.