Shun, the seventh grandson of Emperor Zhuan Xu, has been a civilian since the sixth ancestor. His father Gu Sou is blind. Joden, his wife, gave birth to Shun at Yaodu site. In April, the gun was recommended to control water, but Emperor Yao thought it was not feasible. At the request of April, he was given a chance to try, but he failed for nine years. Sanmiao lived in Jianghuai and Jingzhou and rebelled again and again. Shun suggested to Emperor Yao that * * * workers be exiled to the secluded mausoleum to change their lives. Exile Gou Dou to Chongshan and turn him into Man Zi; Exile Sanmiao to Sanwei to change it to Xirong; Put a gun to death in Yushan, in order to change the ethos of Dongyi. After the punishment of these four people, everyone in the world is convinced of Shun.
Yu, surnamed Si, and his first name is Yu. Later generations called Yu Wang, who was the great-grandson of the Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan. When Yao was named, he was called "and" in history. From the Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan to Yu, * * * Eight: Yu Fu Qiang, whose fifth ancestor was named Zhuan Xu, and Zhuan Xu's father was named Changyi, who was the second son of the Yellow Emperor born to Lei Zu. Yu's father Gun was sealed in Wenshan Stone New District (now Beichuan County, Sichuan Province), and his mother was the daughter of the Xin family, named Nvzhi, also called Nvxi. When I was young, I moved eastward with my father and came to the Central Plains. His father, Gun, was worshipped by Emperor Yao (Songshan Mountain in Zhongyue). During the reign of Emperor Yao, the Central Plains was flooded and the people were miserable. Emperor Yao ordered Gun to control water, and Gun was ordered to control water. Gun used the water barrier method, that is, a river bank was set on the shore, but the water flooded higher and higher, which failed to quell the flood for nine years. Then he ordered Yu, the son of Gun, to take over the water control.