There are generally several kinds of bags under the eyes, such as simple lower eyelid skin relaxation, sagging lower eyelid relaxation and orbicularis oculi muscle hypertrophy, and two or three situations exist at the same time. There are two traditional methods to remove bags under eyes, one is external incision, which is suitable for any people, and the other is internal seamless method, which is only suitable for people with fat drooping in the lower eyelid and no slack skin. And the damage of both methods is relatively light. With the increasing demand of people, traditional surgical methods can no longer meet people's requirements. After years of careful research, doctors in our hospital have designed a variety of different surgical methods for different people. For example, in order to achieve the ideal effect after operation, some people must tighten the orbital diaphragm while removing orbital fat. In addition, we also try our best to minimize the trauma of eye plastic surgery, make it recover in the shortest time after surgery, and do not affect people's normal work and study.
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