1) short int (short) is a signed integer like int.
2) long int (short for long), a signed integer.
3) long long int (abbreviation: long long), a type added by C99 standard,
Signed integer
4) unsigned int (abbreviation: unsigned), an unsigned integer, cannot represent a negative number.
5) unsigned long integer (abbreviation: unsigned long), unsigned integer,
Cannot represent a negative number.
6) unsigned short int (abbreviation: unsigned short), unsigned integer,
Cannot represent a negative number.
7) unsigned long long int (abbreviation: unsigned long long),
Added C99 type unsigned integer.
8) By default, all integer types that are not marked as unsigned are signed integers.
Adding signed before these integer types can make readers know more clearly.
These are signed integers, although signed or unsigned means signed integers.
For example, signed int is equivalent to int.
Note that the c language only specifies short.
Generally, we call it short integer, long integer, long integer and int integer. Those integer types that begin with unsigned are collectively called unsigned integers. For example, we call an unsigned short integer an unsigned short integer. And so on.
%h is short
%d int signed integer -32767 to 32768
% u unsignedint unsigned integers 0 to 65535
%l long symbol long integer
%lu unsignedlong unsigned long
%ll longlongint
There are two types of integers in %llu unsignedLonglong[c99] VB: integer and long, both signed integers.
Integer variables are stored in the form of 16 bits (2 bytes) ranging from -32768 to 32767. The type declaration character of an integer is a percent sign (%).
Long variables are stored as 32-bit (4 bytes) signed values ranging from -2 147483648 to 2 147483647 (about 2 10 billion). The type declaration character of Long is ampersand; )。