Look at my bravery in Da Zhou. He appointed an important official, a scholar-bureaucrat, and the famous Nan Zhong was the ancestor of this important official, and put the emperor's father in charge of military affairs: you should promptly rectify our Zhou army, build weapons and prepare to use force; We must respect and be vigilant, and we must bring happiness to the people in the south.
I said to the emperor's father Zhou: You give orders to the count, Hugh's father: Let Zhou's army be arrayed left and right, and give orders to all military departments: March along the Huaihe River levee and patrol the territory of Xuzhou; The three armed forces will soon be stationed and properly arrange people's livelihood.
Look how majestic it is, how majestic, how tall and majestic it is, our king of Zhou. Zhou's army is in no hurry, not in a hurry. This caused a stir in Xu, especially what shocked Xu. Like a thunderbolt exploding overhead, Xu's ministers trembled and panicked.
Our army attacked the heroic SHEN WOO last week, and it was completely annihilated, like Lei Zhen. These soldiers are like wolves and tigers, beating drums and killing like angry tigers. Set up a tight encirclement on the high embankment of Huaihe River, pursue hard, and capture a large number of prisoners. Zhou gained a firm foothold along the Huaihe River, where his tent was stationed.
The army of the Zhou Dynasty was like a rainbow, and its offensive was as sharp as an eagle. The three armies rushed into Jianghan, Judah, and their positions were as firm as Mount Tai. The enemy line is like an unstoppable force, and the team rushes forward steadily. Of course, it is invincible, and Xu was defeated like a big purge!
Zhou's plan is really sufficient, and Xu and his subjects are completely convinced. Xu Zhou candidly admit defeat into it, which is my virtue of benevolence and righteousness. All over the world, Haiyan Heqing and Xu Xiaojun will come to pay homage. Xu and his subjects never rebelled again, and Zhou Banshi returned to the DPRK to win the battle.
Step 2 enjoy
The title of this poem is very special. The Book of Songs mostly takes the first sentence as the topic. Although some words are not the first sentence, they are also words in the poem, and the word "Chang Wu" can't be found in the poem, so poets have different opinions. "Preface to Mao's Poems" states that "there is Changde to stand up for the martial arts, because he thought it was a warning"; In Zhu's Preface to Poetry, it is said that "there are two meanings: if there is Changde's martial arts, it is ok, but if there is no, there is a beautiful precept". In this regard, Yao Jiheng's "General Theory of the Book of Songs" retorted: "The martial arts of the king in the poem are extremely beautiful, so there is no need to quit his martial arts. Mao and Zheng did not resign from Wang's words, but those who made the preface were very clear about the corrupt scholars. " Wang Zhi's "General Review of Poetry" states that "he has been practicing martial arts all his life since he was in South China, so he called it Changwu": Fang Yurun's "Primitive Book of Songs" thinks that Changwu is a name of music, and he said that "a king of martial arts can be a businessman, and he can be declared if he is happy, and a poem is named Changwu, and it is also interesting to cover a poem." People who approach may think that ancient times are universal and universal, and "constant martial arts" is martial arts, which conforms to the purpose of poetry.
3, the original: "Changwu" anonymous [pre-Qin]
Brilliant and clear. Wang Mingqing, the great ancestor of Nanzhong, is the father of the master. The whole my sixth division, with _ I honor. Respect and abstain from it, for the benefit of this southern country.
The King of Qi summoned Yin, ordered a divorce from his father, and took control of Chen Hang. Quit my division, lead him to Huaipu, and save this place. There is no place to live, and all three things are ready.
He has a great career and a strict son of heaven. Wang is a bandit and often stays with bandits. Xu Fang's teasing shocked Xu Fang. As thunder, Xu Fang was stunned.
Wang Fen's martial arts are as shocking as his anger. I am a tiger. I look like a tiger. Pass on the bosom _, still hold the ugly Lou. Intercept Huaipu, the land of Julian Waghann.
Lv Wang can fly as well as John. Like a river, like a Han, like a bud of a mountain. If the stream is endless, the wings will continue. If anything happens, Levi Guo Xu.
Wang still let it in, and Xu Fang came. Xu Fang and the son of heaven are the same. Since the four parties are even, Xu Fang will come to court. If Xu Fang doesn't come back, Wang Yue will.