Conclusion: Cleft lip, commonly known as rabbit lip, notch and notch, is a common congenital malformation in oral and maxillofacial region. The incidence rate is about 1.82‰, and the number of patients in China exceeds1.7000, which is a multifactorial genetic disease.
The factors leading to cleft lip and palate are not fully understood, but may be related to the following factors:
① Genetic factors: Genetic studies have proved that this disease is polygenic, and 20-30% of patients have positive genetic factors. We often see similar deformities in patients' relatives.
② Environmental factors: vitamin deficiency during pregnancy, mother's infection with virus during pregnancy, exposure to X-rays, hormones or anti-tumor drugs, antihistamines, tobacco and alcohol stimulation, etc. It may cause a series of distortions such as gene mutation.
To sum up, there are various teratogenic factors, but they are not very clear, which can be simply considered as a polygenic genetic disease.
Cleft lip is not good-looking, and it affects breast suction, pronunciation and alveolar bone development.
Cleft lip and palate seriously affects aesthetics, swallowing, pronunciation and psychology. Cleft lip is mainly treated by surgery. It is generally believed that the appropriate treatment time for cleft lip is 3-6 months. Neonatal surgery is risky and the repair effect is not very good. However, too late will bring bad psychological influence to children and parents. The main surgical methods of cleft lip are rotary propulsion, lower triangular flap and straight line method. Rotary propulsion is widely used in the world, and the application scope of straight line method is too narrow. In addition to functional cleft lip repair, it is now advocated to correct cleft lip nose deformity while repairing cleft lip. Due to various objective factors, it is often necessary to perform multiple cleft lip operations to achieve the best surgical results.
Special note: cleft lip and palate repair surgery belongs to the scope of tertiary surgery and needs to be performed under general anesthesia. According to Article 14 of the Administrative Measures for Grading Surgery in Medical Institutions (Trial) issued by the General Office of the Ministry of Health, when patients undergoing elective surgery need general anesthesia (including basic anesthesia) or blood transfusion, their operation level will be upgraded by one level accordingly. When the pre-anesthesia assessment (ASA) is above Grade III and requires general anesthesia support, the operation should be carried out in a tertiary hospital or a second-class first-class hospital approved by the provincial health administrative department, and some fourth-class operations should be carried out. Cleft lip and palate repair can be performed in the only tertiary surgical hospital in Shandong Province (Jinan Han Plastic Surgery Hospital), which provides security in medical equipment, medical environment, surgical equipment, medical resources and nursing care.
Pregnant women eat folic acid to reduce rabbit baby's lips.
Pregnant women eat more folic acid to reduce the congenital defects of baby rabbit lips.
Experts found that if women eat folic acid during pregnancy, it will reduce the birth defects of infants with cleft lip and palate.
The researchers say that if pregnant women have children born by family members, then additional supplements may help women.
Experts have long known that folic acid can reduce the risk of brain injury and spina bifida in infants.
Recent studies have also shown that folic acid can reduce the risk of Down syndrome and leukemia in infants.
At present, doctors advise pregnant women to take folic acid supplements in the first three months of pregnancy.
Broccoli is a dish containing a lot of folic acid.
Related to genes
The researchers said that their research showed that women's intake of extra folic acid in early pregnancy could help reduce the birth defects of infants with cleft lip and palate.
However, the researchers said that further research is needed to confirm this finding.
Cleft lip and cleft jaw are common congenital defects, which occur in at least one in every 1000 newborns in Britain.
This happens in the early pregnancy, and the maxilla of the fetal mouth fails to join normally.
Babies with cleft lip need multiple operations and speech therapy to remedy this congenital defect.
This disease is also closely related to genes. If a baby's brother or sister also has this congenital defect, then the baby is 30 to 40 times more likely to have this defect than other babies.